I love coming up with fun and creative ways to celebrate the church year with kids, and August is full of fun Saint feast days to celebrate! Keep scrolling to the bottom of the post because it also includes other fun August feast days and faith filled activities for kids. The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary, so there are activities for that as well. Now let’s look at these highlights of fun Saint feast days to celebrate in August with links to crafts, food, activities, and more!
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I also recommend having a good children’s Bible available to read from, as it will also include many stories of the Saints. You can see my post with my favorite Catholic children’s bibles here, but my family absolutely loves The Jesus Storybook Bible.
August Saint Feast Days To Celebrate
This list does not include Saints for every single day of August, but some highlights that are good for kids.
August 1- St. Alphonsus Liguori’s Feast Day
- Italian
- lawyer and bishop
- Doctor of the Church
- Saint Alphonsus Liguori’s story is found on page 69 of Picture Book Of Saints
August 3- St. Lydia’s Feast Day
- biblical
- bringer of purple cloth
I have an extra soft place in my heart for this Saint because I have a daughter named Lydia. Also, I am obsessed with the color purple (which is why I have a daughter named Lydia lol). Picture below from this Saint book for kids.
You can watch a little video about St. Lydia’s story from the Bible here that is perfect for kids. I just LOVE these little videos!
After learning about St. Lydia’s story, you may want to check out my fun baptism resources for Catholic kids.
August 4- St. John Vianney’s Feast Day
- priest
- patron of parish priests
- Saint John Vianney’s story is found on page 71 of Picture Book Of Saints
- Free children’s video on St. John Vianney here
August 6- Feast Of The Transfiguration Of The Lord
- story from the Bible
- Jesus is seen in all of his glory by Peter, James, and John
You can watch the transfiguration story for kids here.
Here are some super fun craft projects for the transfiguration. Options for multiple age groups!
August 8- St. Dominic’s Feast Day
- patron of astronomers
- Saint Dominic’s story is found on page 70 of Picture Book Of Saints
This would be a great night to lay a blanket in the yard and look up at the stars!
August 10- St. Lawrence’s Feast Day
- deacon
- martyr
- patron of seminarians
- Saint Lawrence’s story is found on page 72 of Picture Book Of Saints
August 12- St. Jane Frances de Chantal’s Feast Day
- widow with 4 children
- worked with St. Francis de Sales
- Saint Jane Frances de Chantal’s story is found on page 80 of Picture Book Of Saints
August 13- St. John Berchman’s Feast Day
- patron of altar servers
- Saint John Berchman’s story is found on page 74 of Picture Book Of Saints
You can see my post about how to make altar server peg dolls for kids here.
August 14- St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Feast Day
- priest
- martyr
- prisoner in Auschwitz concentration camp
- Saint Maximilian Kolbe’s story is found on page 122 of Picture Book Of Saints
Kid Resources For St. Maximilian Kolbe
His story is so especially amazing because he is such a modern Saint, and I love to have some more modern heros for kids to look up to! There is a video here for kids about St. Maximilian Kolbe. (These aren’t my favorite, but you can watch them for free.) Here are a few more resources to help you celebrate this awesome feast day with kids.
- free printable St. Maximilian Kolbe coloring page
- Another free coloring page (for preschoolers)
- Paper Dali has an amazing coloring page that tells the story of St. Maximilian Kolbe accepting both red and white crowns.
- The Look To Him And Be Radiant has a great post about celebraging St. Maximilian Kolbe with kid, including a super cute and simple craft that includes both the red and white crowns.
August 15- The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
- I have a great round up of Assumption of Mary resources for kids here. (This is the most popular post on Catholic Icing in August!)
- You can also check out my round up of easy cloud themed snack ideas for kids. These would all be perfect for celebrating the assumption of Mary!
August 15- St. Tarcisius’s Feast Day
- patron of first communicants
- died defending the Eucharist at age 12
- Saint Tarcisius’s story is found on page 75 of Picture Book Of Saints
This would be a perfect feast day to focus on the true presence in the Eucharist! Check out my printable color by number craft where kids can make their own agamorph art project. This is a great way to teach the true presence to children.
August 18- St. Helena’s Feast Day
- credited with finding the true cross
- Saint Helen (aka Helena)’s story is found on page 77 of Picture Book Of Saints
Saint Helen is included in my set of ABC Saints! This is a super fun and easy craft. Just print, color, cut, and staple into a loop to make her stand up. These little Saint crafts also make an excellent centerpiece for a feast day table!
There is a good video about the life of St. Henena here that is not meant for children, but tells her story well. Because St. Helen is said to have discovered the cross where Jesus hung, it’s the perfect day for a cross craft or activity for kids! You can find more information about celebrating St. Helen with kids on my post about the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, including a free printable coloring page of St. Helen.
August 19- St. John Eudes’ Feast Day
- priest
- recognized as the author of the liturgical devotion to the Sacred and Immaculate hearts
- Saint John Eudes’ story is found on page 78 of Picture Book Of Saints
August 20- St. Bernard’s Feast Day
- French monk
- composed the prayer “The Memorare”
- very devoted to the image of Jesus Crucified
- patron of candle makers
- Saint Bernard’s story is found on page 79 of Picture Book Of Saints
On this feast day, try praying The Memorare together as a family. If you do not yet have a crucifix hanging in your home, this would also be a great time to put one up.
August 21- The Feast Of Our Lady Of Knock
- Ireland
- Mary, Joseph, John The Evangelist, and a lamb appeared in bright white, witnessed by 15 people
August 21- Saint Pius X
- pope
- called “The Pope Of The Blessed Sacrament”
- Saint Pius X’s story is found on page 84 of Picture Book Of Saints
August 22- The Queenship Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
- Mary, queen of all the Saints
- Our Lady, Queen of all Saints story is found on page 11 of Picture Book Of Saints
- You can find a fun stained glass window style queenship of Mary craft here.
- I also have a handprint queenship of Mary craft here. I absolutely love handprint crafts!
- Check out this printable Mary statue craft for kids. It’s free to print!
August 23- St. Rose Of Lima’s Feast Day, and St. Zacchaeus’s Feast Day
- from Peru, South America
- patroness of South America and against vanity
- known for rubbing pepper on her face to ruin her complexion since she was so beautiful and didn’t wish to be married
- first Saint of the Americas
- Saint Rose Of Lima’s story is found on page 83 of Picture Book Of Saints
You can watch a free children’s video about St. Rose Of Lima here.
Kid Resources For St. Rose Of Lima
Her story is so unique, and I love that she is the first canonized Saint of the Western Hemisphere! Her story starts as a child, which I think is always especially appealing to children. Here are some resources to help you celebrate this feast day with your kiddos.
- St. Rose of Lima is included in my ABC Saint craft pack, so be sure to check that out! These are so fun and easy for kids, and a great alternative to peg dolls that will save you tons of time and money.
- Find my whole round up of St. Rose of Lima activities and free printables for kids.
August 24- St. Bartholomew’s Feast Day
- apostle
- Saint Bartholomew’s story is found on page 81 of Picture Book Of Saints
August 26- Our Lady Of Czestochowa
- Poland
Read the story of this amazing image of Our Lady of Czestochowa. There is also a prayer available on that page. If you’re feeling extra festive, try some Polish food for dinner, such as kielbasa with mashed potatoes.
August 27- St. Monica’s Feast Day
- known for converting her husband and her son through prayer and fasting
- influenced by St. Ambrose
- patron Saint of mothers, women in troubled marriages, and alcoholics
- mother of St. Augustine
August 28- St. Augustine’s Feast Day
- son of St. Monica
- patron of theologians
- Saint Augustine’s story is found on page 82 of Picture Book Of Saints
Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership
Monthly Liturgical Membership
If you’re trying to plan a Saint feast day celebration with kids and you didn’t see it here, you will want to check out my post about how to celebrate any Saint feast day. It takes you through my process of looking at their lives to choose an activity for kids, and it links to generic resources that will help you to celebrate any Saint. So no more being sad if you can’t find specific resources for your child’s namesake Saint! 🙂
Printable Liturgical Planning Book
I have an all new liturgical living ebook that will help you plan out this entire process and customize the liturgical year for your own family. This is the perfect resource for families that are living the liturgical year at home. You can use this book year after year to organize your liturgical resources, building your library as you go! This is an absolute wealth of printables for Catholic families to organize everything from feast day celebrations, to Sacrament anniversaries, to your home altar. Read more about my Weaving The Faith ebook here.
August Monthly Catholic Dedication- The Immaculate Heart Of Mary
Each month has a special Catholic dedication, and the month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary! There are so many fun crafts, activities, and snack ideas for kids the go along with this monthly devotion. You can find my full round up of ideas for the Immaculate Heart Of Mary here.
I would like to share some of my absolutely favorite Immaculate Heart projects with you, and the first mention has to be these super fun Immaculate Heart tie dyed shirts. Such a fun end of summer project for kids!
This Immaculate Heart of Mary rosary craft is super easy, even for little kids! The end result is adorable and usable- always a hit with kids.
For a snack, try these fun and easy Immaculate Heart strawberry shortcakes. No prep work needed, kids can put together their own, making it a snacktivity.
I have these Sacred and Immaculate heart peg dolls in my printable peg doll collection. I run you through painting the heads- step by step with pictures- and then you glue the bodies on them. So simple and now anyone can afford to have Catholic peg dolls.
Good news! You still have time for VBS, and I now have a full at-home vacation bible school program for Catholic kids… Summer With The Sacred Heart! This vacation bible school program is chock full of fun crafts and activities for all kids ages preschool through teens. Almost everything in the program is available in both Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. Grab your program now!
I have so so so many amazing kid resources for the Immaculate Heart- too many to share right here in this post, so be sure to check out the rest of my Immaculate Heart resources for kids here.
Back To School!!!
If you’ll be teaching preschool to your own child or others next school year, you should check out the Catholic ABC’s Preschool Curriculum on Catholic Icing!
If you’re looking to teach Religious Education at home with your kids together, you may want to check out my easy notebooking option! For each lesson, you just read a 2 page spread of a picture book and complete an open ended notebooking page. The 130 page pack also includes a lot of alternative page options for pre-writers. At home Catholic RE couldn’t get easier than this!
I know we are all preparing for going back to school in one way or another. If you are a homeschooler or considering homeschooling, you can check out all of my homeschooling resources here.
My most read homeschool post of all time is my giant pros and cons about switching from homeschool to public school. I wrote this post over years, and I think it has a pretty good look at both sides.
Top August Posts
I can’t help what’s popular… you guys decide! Here are some things you ya’ll just looooooove reading about in August. 🙂
- Assumption Of Mary crafts and activities for kids
- Catholic preschool curriculum
- Religious notebooking pages
- Catholic prayer copywork for kids
- How to make a rosary with string and beads
- Free printable ABC scripture cards
- Bible alphabet crafts
More August Activities For Catholic Kids
You can check out the August Activities for Catholic Families printable on Real Life at Home from Angie (who is also the project manager on Catholic Icing)
Free Printable Saints Coloring Book for August – Real Life at Home
Be sure to check out my book for living liturgically with your family, Weaving The Faith.
You can find all of my resources for living the liturgical year organized month by month here!
Hello. I’m incredibly grateful for all your efforts to help families live the Liturgical Year! I have a quick question for you and must confess confusion. Is the St. Zacchaeus mentioned for August the little guy who climbed the Sycamore tree? It seems like it from the video you recommended. However, I looked up St. Zacchaeus, and the only one that appeared on other Catholic websites for 23 August appears to be a different person who died around 116AD and was a Bishop. That would indicate he lived after the little Zacchaeus in the Bible. Can you help clear up my humble confusion. Thanks so much! Happy August!!
Hi Hilary –
I looked into it for Lacy and it looks like the Saint Zacchaeus in August is, indeed, someone other than the Zacchaeus in the Bible. The source that she had looked that up in before had the wrong information. We fixed up the post now. Thanks for asking!
Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager
You forgot St. Clare! August 11th