Printable Catholic Prayers for Kids: Posters and Copywork

As I mentioned before, when teaching Catholic kids the basic prayers, it is very important that kids are learning the correct words. We decided to include copy work of all the most common Catholic prayers in Lydia’s First Communion Journal this year, so I made printable pages that are easy for kids to use. It’s a great activity for teaching Catholic kids their prayers!

I have all of them available in a downloadable ebooklet titled Learning Our Prayers the Write Way.

learning catholic prayers writing practice printale
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(You like that? The “Write” way, because you’re writing them out? I will totally admit to this being a title knock off of the Draw Write Now books. Couldn’t resist myself.) 😉

These are also great handwriting practice for Catholic kids.

The prayers included in this copywork download are:

  • The Glory Be
  • The Hail Mary
  • The Our Father
  • The Fatima Prayer
  • The Guardian Angel Prayer
  • The Before Dinner Prayer
  • The Apostles’ Creed

For each of the prayers above (except for the Apostles’ Creed) the prayers come in 4 versions.

1. Complete and in color. You can use these to hang up as mini posters for children to read at home or in the classroom, and for them to look at while they do copy work.

2. Trace the word. Each prayer is written out in dashed letters for younger children to trace.

3. Handwriting Paper. Primary paper is provided for early elementary children to copy their own prayer as they look at the complete version in color.

4. Lined Paper. This is for older children to write out the prayers, also using the complete, in color version as a guide.


Examples of the 4 printable versions of each prayer.

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teaching catholic prayers to children printale

This way, children of all ages and abilities should find a good fit for copying their Catholic prayers! 🙂

The Apostles’ Creed is very long, and I couldn’t see children really having to write out the whole thing, so instead it comes in completed (poster) form and a fill-in-the-blank form, so they just write in the missing words. Here’s Lydia’s version of the Apostles’ Creed that’s in her First Communion Journal.

apostles creed printable for kids

We are still working on getting these all written out. Lydia (my 7 year old) is using the handwriting paper, and Julian (my 5 year old) is doing the ones you can just trace.

This downloadable pack of Catholic children’s prayers also includes a cover. This way, when they finish writing out all of their prayers, you can bind them together into their own little prayer book.

printable prayer book for catholic kids

Also included is this silly version of the Hail Mary with common children’s mistakes. It serves as a visual to children how silly it is to pray the prayers when we don’t understand the real words.

For just $4, you can download Learning Our Prayers the Write Way, a 30 page ebooklet for helping kids learn their prayers. When you purchase it, you can use it with your own kids, or a class of kids at Religious Education class. You may not share it with all of your friends or re-publish it anywhere. Downloads like these help support the cost of running this resource site, so thanks so much for understanding this.

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  1. Ashleigh Gifford says

    Any chance you would consider doing this in a cursive form too? My 4th grader is learning cursive and this would be a great activity!! Either way, I will one day use it for my other kids as they get older. Awesome!

    • Actually, originally it was also going to include cursive, and a did a few of them, but then changed my mind. There really is no font that can do cursive right, so it has to be perfectly hand written, and I really wasn’t up to the task- lol!

  2. This is awesome! Thank you so much. I am happy to support you and this site, you have enriched not only my family’s faith education, but many ideas have also been implemented in our parish’s Sunday School program. God bless you and your family!

  3. This. is. amazing! Just purchased. 😉

  4. Diane Pallini says

    Thank you so much for this. I’m going to begin using it next week. 🙂

  5. Cindy Coleman says

    Downloaded this the minute I saw it and am printing it now. 🙂 I am teaching 2nd grade Parish Religious education this year and finding toooo many of my students do not know their basic prayers. I had started having them write out the prayers on a sheet of paper at home…but this is much more eye-appealing, has the coloring too and we can make nice books of them. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. Very happy to support you with this small donation, as I have found your site so helpful in preparing my lessons since I found you.

    • So happy to hear it! Yes, I wanted it to be a little more visually appealing for kids than just writing them out on notebook paper. God bless! 🙂

      • Cindy Coleman says

        I am give them a sheet per week to take home and complete. We are almost done. I am teaching 2nd grade and they are preparing to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. I was wondering if you ever decide to expand this, if you could add the Act of Contrition. That is the one prayer I am stressing for them to memorize–but it won’t be in their prayer books. I will do my best to make one up, but it sure won’t look as good as yours 🙂

  6. Really enjoy your website and am using many ideas for my first communicant this year. Just purchased these prayers. They will be a nice addition to his journal. Also using your prayer starters with a number of my children. Around here it was considered a “craft” and it was a great reason to pull out my laminator!

    • I totally need a laminator! 🙂

      • Lacy,
        I wanted to compliment you on the work you do for “God’s little ones” on behalf of all of us in the Faith Formation areas in our parishes. As an administrator of our parish Children’s Faith Formation for grades 1-3, teaching our Catholic prayers is a very vital part of our program. I have encouraged my catechists to use your website and will further encourage them to download the “Teaching Prayers the Write Way” ebook. Thank you, keep up the good work!

  7. These look amazing but I notice a small error, the Ave Maria should read “Blessed art* thou” not “are”

  8. In the picture here it looks like the Hail Mary says “are thou” instead of “art thou”. Does anyone know if a version is included with this pack that says “art thou”?

  9. Kami Linnens says

    Am teaching 1st grade PSR for the first time this year and am very interested in this. I had a few questions about this….what is the print size for the book? 8×10? Can it be changed smaller? Also, war the “are” in the Hail Mary changed to the proper “art”? Thanks so much!! You kami great ideas!

  10. Erin Patterson says

    Do you have a similar page for The Act of Contrition?

  11. Help! I have paid twice for this from what I can tell, and no way to find the prayers. 🙁

    • Kay – You’ll need to use the information on the “Contact” page to drop me an email about it, since I can’t address individual download issues in the comments section. I’m happy to help you via email, however, and make sure that you get your download link.

      In the meantime, also be sure to check your spam folder for the email that you would have received with the download link.


      Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager