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Catholic ABC’s Week: 18
Letter of the week: M
Theme: Monstrance
Saint of the Week: Mother Teresa
Craft: Monstrance Craft

Supplies needed to complete this craft:
- Gold Doilies (Available in the cake decorating section of your local craft store. I got a package of 12 for about $2.50)
- Gold Paper (I bought just one sheet in the scrapbooking aisle for 60 cents. It was enough for about 10 monstrances.)
- Glue Stick
- Stick on Jewels (also available in a craft store)
- Foam Board and/or Paper (You can get foam board at the Dollar Tree, and each board will yield enough to make 4 of these).
- Marker
This week in my preschool co-op class, M is for “Monstrance”. This was a great craft for my class!
I cut the pieces out ahead of time so the kids could put them all together. If your kids are good with scissors, I would let them cut the pieces themselves. I first had them glue down a piece of green paper for the table (so the monstrance wouldn’t appear to be floating). We used green because we are currently in ordinary time. Next, they glued on the golden sticks for the monstrance, and then the doily. For the “host” I just cut out white paper and drew on a cross with a marker- have them glue it in the middle and decorate it with jewels however they want.
As they’re working on their craft, talk to them about how the monstrance is gold and decorated with precious jewels because of how special Jesus in the Eucharist is to us.
I really like the one my 4-year-old, Lydia, made on purple paper! I would have liked to offer the kids in my preschool class to make them in different colors, but it wasn’t feasible with so many kids.
Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic ABCs Curriculum
Catholic ABCs Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten
We also talked about circles at preschool this week, so this craft went along perfectly as a Catholic circle craft! Also, consider a field trip to adoration this week for your child to see a real monstrance. Our church has a special hour for children’s adoration, and I’m taking them tomorrow (weather permitting…).
Grab Bag Ideas for the Letter M: (be sure to check out the Classroom Script for directions on using the grab bag.) Monkey, Money, Man, Monster, Moon, Moose, Mother Teresa holy card, Motorcycle, Mouse, Mug, Magnet, Marble, Mouth (from Mr. Potato Head), Monk.
For More Resources, including free printable ABC scripture cards and a matching set of Catholic Saint crafts for preschoolers, check out the Catholic ABC’s Offical Resource Page.
Beautiful Lacy!! I loved it!! Hey, sorry to bother you, I have a petition on my blog. I hope you can help me!! Thanks!!
This is too cool! Your making me wish I was a CCD teacher lol. I love the idea of children's adoration. I heard something of that nature on Catholic Answers Live where this Preist is teaching children as young as 3 how to sit quietly in adoration. It would be great too for moms who must take thier children and they wouldn't feel out of place with children.
I know right!
oh, I like this…was there also a craft that uses clear plastic plates?
Glorious gold doilies and Marvelous, Magnificent, Monstrance idea!
I've seen bits and pieces of your Catholic ABCs program, and finally got hooked on the idea now that my 3 year old wants to do school with us. Thank you a million times over for this great idea and links!
This is the best Monstrance Craft
I have ever seen! Great job! 🙂
I'm teaching our 5th child to read now and these ideas really put the spark back into a tired mom and the fun back in teaching (and learning) to read–all while keeping eyes focused on teh prize. This is super well done and I love it!
Did you see my pic on this craft on facebook?
your website is very informative and useful.