How And Why To Celebrate Pentecost With Your Kids

We are going to look at celebrating Pentecost with your Catholic kids by breaking down what happened on the first Pentecost. Sometimes looking at a break down of the different parts of the day we are celebrating helps to spark an idea for how to celebrate it. After all, the whole point of doing these fun celebration activities is so that our kids learn the meaning behind the feast day. 🙂 You can find all of my Holy Spirit resources for kids here.


Pentecost Marks The Official End Of The Easter Season

So if you’ve been doing any activities to keep the whole 50 days of Easter going, awesome! But now it’s time to pack it up lol.

The Liturgical Color Of Pentecost Is Red

This is based on the original Pentecost and the Holy Spirit appearing as flames. In my experience as a life long Catholics, Pentecost is the biggest day where Catholics try to actually wear the liturgical color to Mass. Expect to see plenty of people wearing red. Dress your family accordingly.

Also, you may want to update your home altar with a red cloth of some kind, and possibly some Holy Spirit things if you have any.

Teach Your Kids The Pentecost Story

Check the children’s bible that you have at home- it probably includes the story of the first Pentecost for kids! I always love to read a version to kids that is easy for them to understand.

Also, check out this adorable video that does a good job of quickly depicting the events of the first Pentecost for kids.

Pentecost Is The Birthday Of The Church

How fun is that?! For this reason, many Catholic families choose to celebrate Pentecost with a birthday cake! Because the liturgical color of Pentecost is red, I usually make a strawberry cake. You can find my recipe and directions for Pentecost Birthday Cake here.

My strawberry sandwich cupcakes would also be absolutely perfect for Pentecost! I love how these cupcakes are so pretty with absolutely no decorating skills needed.

Pentecost: The First Novena

So Catholics pray novenas, but have you ever stopped to wonder why we pray them for 9 days? It’s because that’s how long the apostles waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit for the first Pentecost! It’s a great idea to pray a novena to the Holy Spirit leading up to Pentecost.

Rushing Winds

Acts 2:1-2

“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were.”

So the “wind” from Pentecost can spark all kinds of imagination! Think of trying some of these “windy” activities with them:

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Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

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Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

Tongues Of Fire

Acts 2:3

“Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.”

So this is really fun! This is why fire represents Pentecost. Here are some fun activities you might want to take a look at!

Holy Spirit

Acts 2:4

“And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.”

Of course- the Holy Spirit is the big part of Pentecost!

Dove As A Symbol Of The Holy Spirit

The dove is probably the most common symbol of the Holy Spirit, so anything dove related would be absolutely perfect for Pentecost! Here are some ideas:

Fruits Of The Holy Spirit

So you may want to teach your kids about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. I’m just going to go ahead and caution you to choose your materials wisely, because while the protestants have a list of only 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, we as Catholics have 12. So make sure you are choosing resources that cover ALL of the fruits. 🙂

Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

This list is a little easier to find resources on since we share the same list as the protestants. Also… there just seems to be a bit more and I’m not sure why.


You can find all my crafts and activities for Pentecost here.

Happy celebrating!

Also, there is a whole string of moving feast days that follow Pentecost! You can find all the movable feasts that follow Pentecost here.


  1. Love it! Learned about the Ascension in class last night and I felt like I had an advantage from reading your blog. I am SO making red velvet cupcakes for my class next week! Happy Monday : )

  2. Great ideas as usual:D

  3. Gardenia says

    those cakes are marvelous. the opne with the holy apostles and Mary imprinted on the top is amazing! thanks for these great ideas.

  4. planning on making a "beehive" cake! Thanks for all the ideas!

  5. My son's confirmation is Sunday and i love the idea of giving out fireballs at his luncheon!

  6. Wow! I love these ideas for celebrating Pentecost with my children. I’m sure this will make things much more exciting for them.