Religious Easter Eggs

Eggs are a beautiful symbol of the resurrection! Not only do eggs symbolize bringing forth new life, but the empty ones can also represent the emptiness of the tomb on Easter morning. If you’re looking for ideas for your Easter eggs to point to the true meaning of Easter, you have come to the right place!

Also, if you haven’t seen the story about Mary Magdalene and the red egg, check that out as well!

These traditional Ukrainian pysanky eggs are a beautiful tradition, and the full of symbolism for Easter (or Pascha)! This step by step tutorial takes all the guess work out for beginners.

Watercolor marker eggs– When you draw on your eggs with watercolor markers, you can decorate with Christ specific messages. So pretty and a lot of fun for kids! Click over to see the different Easter symbols we came up with. 

Painted eggs with cross, tulip, swirl, and tie-dye patterns

JESUS sticker resist eggs– This idea comes from Jeanne at Inspiring Ideas. So pretty!

Eggs in bowl with letters on them spelling "Jesus!"

Cross decorated Easter egg– Also find directions for crafting this egg on Inspiring Ideas.
Blue egg with craft pearl cross

Transform your Lenten crown into a beautiful Easter nest! Then you display your eggs in the “nest”, bridging the Lent/Easter connection for your kids. 

crown of thorns turned nest

JESUS sharpie eggs– when we made our easy shaving cream eggs in the carton, we made our own set of “Jesus” eggs- no stickers needed!

Painted eggs reading "Jesus"

Cross craft with leftover egg dye– Ya’ll this is one of my familie’s FAVORITES and we do it every year! It is so fun and addictive. Check it out! craft easter crosses with leftover egg dye

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Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

Shining Light Doll egg wraps– these are not free but they’re very reasonably priced and super cute and easy to do. Check out these Catholic egg decorating kits for kids. Seriously adorable.

Eggs painted with saints

More Egg Dying Ideas

So combined with the techniques above, you can now make any style of egg dying into “Religious” Easter eggs. Here are some of our favorite methods for fun egg dying here.

Make some marbleized shaving cream eggs straight in the egg carton!

Shaving cream eggs in the carton

Also check out my easy ombre eggs that are so fun for kids and strikingly beautiful!

Ombre dye-dipped eggs

How to color your deviled eggs for an Easter celebration!

how to make colored deviled eggs for easter


  1. Amazing_Grace says

    Oh, wow! These are great! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  2. throughtheeyesofchildren says

    I did a post about a wonderful book called: The Cross in the Egg

  3. Xhonane Olivas says

    Lacy, you are amazing! How do you find all these great ideas?

    also, congratulations on your translator!! I will try it as well.

    Thanks for your hard work!

  4. oh amanda {impress your kids} says

    Have you read the Story of the Easter Robin? It's got a fun easter egg craft in it!

    Thanks for linking up all your fantastic posts!