Are you looking to celebrate Pentecost with your Catholic kids? Well you have come to the right place! This “tongues of fire” craft is scriptural, liturgical, and super fun! In my experience, kids always love wearable crafts. This is pretty easy to make, too, so it’s a win win. 😉 You can find all of my Holy Spirit resources for kids here.
You can find all of my Pentecost resources here
Here’s the Bible story of the Pentecost from Acts 2, 1-4: “When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.”
For this craft, each child ends up with their own “tongues as of fire” that can rest right on their head. 🙂
This craft is so simple to make, and I’ll bet you already have everything you need at home!
Supplies Needed for this Pentecost Craft:
- Construction paper (a variety, but definitely “fire colored” paper)
- Stapler
- Tape
- Scissors
Yep, that’s it! Just make a construction paper loop that fits around your child’s head, staple into place, cut out paper “flames” and tape them on.
Also, you can try singing this Pentecost song with kids:
The Pentecost Song- Tune “Are You Sleeping”
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Monthly Liturgical Membership
Tongues of fire, tongues of fire,
driving wind, driving wind,
Holy Spirit’s coming! Holy Spirit’s coming!
Let Him in. Let him in.
We also love to listen to our Shine Like the Son CD from Christ Music Kids. Their song “Let the Fire Fall” is perfect for Pentecost, and my kids and I jam to this CD all the time in the van, so I’m sure we’ll listen to it on our way home from Mass. We also listened to it on our way home from Anabelle’s Baptism. 😉
Our favorite Pentecost tradition in our home is making “Pentecost Sundaes” on Pentecost Sunday. My kids love ice cream, so it goes over well. 😉 See how much fun it is to be Catholic?
More Pentecost Resources For Kids:
You can find all my Pentecost resources for Catholic kids here!
You can find all of my Holy Spirit teaching resources for kids here including the gifts of the spirit, the fruits of the spirit, celebrating Pentecost Sunday, dove crafts, and more!
Seriously, your kids are adorable 🙂 I’m logging this idea for next year – it’s an inexpensive way to bring the day to our church parishioners, and much less messy than the cupcake class I taught this year! Posting here in case you want to check them out – we had so much fun making them!
These crafts are really awesome, So Creative
Thanks for this great idea! I used this craft for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word session mid-Mass today and had the kids copy “Jesus is Lord” written in various languages around the headband. Big success! (Except for the very, very little ones who insisted their heads were on fire… 🙂 )