Search Results for: advent wreath

DIY Lenten Candle Display (The Counterpart To Your Advent Wreath)

Did you know you can count down the days of Lent just like you can the days of Advent? You can even light a candle for each Sunday of Lent, of which there are 6! This is a part of my series about how to make a Lenten table display with $10 and the Dollar Tree. I will walk you through exactly how to make a Lenten candle display of your own, and how to use it with your family. Let's take a look at … [Read more...]

Advent Wreaths 101 (Everything You Need To Know)

The Catholic tradition of the Advent wreath is a tradition that is near and dear to my heart. You can find all of my Advent resources for families here. When I was growing up, it was one of the only ways we celebrated the liturgical year at home. My mom always used it as a way to keep Christmas focused on Christ, and she always said extra prayers for the season while lighting it. It's not a … [Read more...]

Catholic How To Draw: Advent Wreath

This week for my Catholic how to draw video, I shared how to draw an Advent wreath! I am really excited about this one, as I think kids will really enjoy learning how to draw an Advent wreath step by step. Also, when kids draw things themselves, it helps them remember. So after they draw this, they may remember how many candles an Advent wreath has, what color they are, etc. I planned it out to … [Read more...]

Advent Wreath Crafts For Kids (The Ultimate List!)

Advent is a great time to celebrate with kids! Sometimes it's hard to find good Advent crafts because the world just seems to move straight from Halloween to Christmas, but having an Advent wreath in our home is one of our favorite family traditions for living the liturgical year! I also love to take the time to make Advent wreath crafts with kids because when kids make it themselves, it becomes … [Read more...]

Advent Wreaths- The Ultimate Resource List For Families!

An Advent wreath is a beautiful tradition and a great way to start living the liturgical year with your family! In fact, it's on my top 15 list of ways to get started living the liturgical year at home! Incorporating fun advent wreath crafts, traditions, and activities with your kids can help them to learn about the season in a fun and hands on way. We love to have Advent wreath traditions such as … [Read more...]

Advent Wreath Craft for Catholic Kids

We're getting ready for Advent around here, and I love making Advent wreaths with my kids. When kids craft their own, they are always so excited about and proud of what they make. Also, they remember a lot of things about Advent wreaths after creating one themselves. It helps them remember the color of the candles, what the candles stand for, etc. And they are excited to use it! You can check out … [Read more...]

Advent Wreath Craft for Children (That Actually Functions!)

I love to craft Advent wreaths with kids! When you send a child home from co-op or religious ed with an Advent wreath, you have sent them home with so much more than a craft. You have sent them home with a new cherished Advent tradition in their family! I can't tell you how many families told me that they kept this craft and used it for all of Advent, and that years later they were now actually … [Read more...]

Edible Advent Wreath for Kids (Fun And Easy Snack Idea!)

This is a really fun Advent snack that is super easy to put together for kids! I love doing hands on things while living the liturgical year with my kids, and as the Advent wreath is one of our favorite traditions, I always try to do some fun Advent wreath activities with them! This is one of the kid's favorites- an edible doughnut Advent wreath! This fun edible Advent snack is a good way to keep … [Read more...]

Printable Catholic Advent Calendar 2021

Kids absolutely love using countdown calendars! This is a great way for them to joyfully anticipate Christmas day, and also a way to visualize how much time is left so they don't drive mom crazy asking over and over again. This Advent calendar was especially designed for kids, and is in the shape of their very own Advent wreath!  Hey- If you're in the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership, … [Read more...]

Printable Advent Saint Peg Doll Wraps

I get constant requests for more sets of peg doll printables, so here you go. Today, I bring you printable Advent Saint peg doll wraps! All you have to do is paint the heads, then you Modge Podge the rest. And btw, Mod Podging isn't even an extra step, you have to do it to seal the peg dolls somehow anyway. I just love this new Saint peg doll set. They are my favorite set so far!  I … [Read more...]