Before I lose anyone- trust me… you can bake unleavened bread! It doesn’t involve any yeast or rising or anything! Seriously, you can’t mess it up. Take that from someone who is far from being a gourmet chef. 😉 You can find all of my holy week food ideas for kids here. Today, we are going to bake this easy unleavened bread recipe with no yeast needed!
Baking unleavened bread with your kids is a great activity for any time you’re learning about the Last Supper. We are already counting down the days to Lydia’s First Communion on her countdown calendar, and we are very excited! We have made unleavened bread before on Holy Thursday, and I plan on doing so again this year in preparation for her First Holy Communion.
In the picture above, the bread (and grapes) are sitting in front of our Last Supper craft that you can download for free here. It’s pretty easy to put together.
Note: There is a printable version of this recipe at the end of the post.
This recipe is also included in my new cookbook for families– The Symbolic Holy Week & Easter Cookbook! This cookbook includes 23 recipes that point to the true meaning of Easter. It also includes 29 pages of bonus printables! You do not want to miss this amazing resource.
Ingredients Needed For Unleavened Bread: Makes about 12 pieces. *note*- this is not meant to be actual communion bread, just a fun recipe to try at home with your kids.
- 1 cup of cold water
- 2 Tbs vegetable oil
- 8 Tbs honey
- 1 1/2 tsp salt
- 3 tbs softened butter
- 1 egg
- 5 cups flour (we used white)
Recipe For Unleavened Bread:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Mix all above ingredients except for the flour.
Slowly add the flour. Knead until the bread is elastic.
Oil your hands, then shape balls of the dough in the same way that you shape hamburger patties. Ours were also about the same size as hamburger patties. Then poke holes in them with a fork.
Grease the pan, and place the bread on it.
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Bake at 400 degrees F for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown around the edge. (Can you guess which ones I made and which ones Lydia made?) 😉
We served ours with grapes.
These are the perfect addition to any Holy Thursday dinner. 🙂 Kids are really capable of this mostly on their own given the easy nature of the recipe. Don’t forget to actually teach them about the Last Supper when you do this. 😉
This pairs really well with my printable Last Supper craft!
The Symbolic Holy Week & Easter Cookbook is sure to bless your family in the upcoming seasons! Read more now.
You can find more Lent and Holy Week resources for kids here.
Find all of my First Holy Communion resources for kids here.
Easy Unleavened Bread Recipe - No Yeast Needed!
- 1 cup cold water
- 2 Tbs vegetable oil
- 8 Tbs honey
- 1 1/2 tsp salt
- 3 tbs softened butter
- 1 egg
- 5 cups all-purpose flour
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
- Mix all ingredients except for the flour.
- Slowly add the flour. Knead until the bread is elastic.
- Oil your hands, then shape balls of the dough in the same way that you shape hamburger patties. Ours were about the same size as hamburger patties. Then poke holes in them with a fork.
- Grease the pan, and place the bread on it.
- Bake at 400 degrees F for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown around the edge.
Hi Lacy! I love this! We do a Holy Thursday …… Last Supper Activity with our students. We use your craft and love it! We also do a meal but we usually buy pita bread but this would be great! I would love to add this! How much did your recipe make? Thank you in advance!
It makes about 12 pieces, depending on the size. 🙂
Does it have to have holes in it?
I suppose it doesn’t have to…
The holes allow heat to escape and allows the bread to bake through, without burning the outside and leaving an unbaked inside.
The holes are to release air when its baking so it doesn’t puff up.
but this recipe would not be proper for making bread for actual Communion if I remember correctly? I think it can only be flour and water?
I honestly have no idea what is allowed for actual communion. That’s not what I meant this recipe for- this is just a fun activity to do at home with kids. 🙂
Thank you for sharing. I too usually just make or buy pita bread, but this looks so much easier and the girls can do this one on their own. Going to add it to our Holy Thursday meal. Blessings to you and all you love.
Thank you Lacy! My students would love this! Yes we are aimply doing it as something fun!
Thanks lacy, even I might have a go at these and use them for lunch on Good Friday with the Sunday School children – we’re going to do your resurrection set too! Even tho we are Anglicans, we’ve been following the Stations of the Cross and the children have loved it.
Thanks so much for this recipe Lacy. We made it yesterday (gluten free) and had the leftovers for lunch today. It was great and the kids had a great time making it!
This is great! I plan to use this for our upcoming VBS. How did you store these? Sealed container at room temperature? I’d like to make them a couple days before I serve them, if possible.
Yes. Even a ziplock bag is fine.
Hi Lacy! This is awesome. I am going to try this recipe with the seniors in the facility where I work.
Thank you. God bless you and your family.
Thank you for Sharing. we will be using this as our snack for Little Shepherds on Saturday. But instead of leaving them round we will use a gingerbread man cooking cutter to help re-enforce that Jesus is the living bread, communion is the Body of Christ.
Lacy, thank you for your website. It has helped me with my first communion kiddos. A question about the flour please 5 cups flour (we used white). Did you use all purpose, self rising, or cake flour? This can all be mix by hand correct like what Lydia’s doing?
This is NOT unleavened bread! It has salt in it!
The butter should be specified as salt-free also!
Also, eggs help bread to raise, so they should be left out as well.
We make unleavened bread for our church’s communions. Flour, unsalted butter and milk are the ingredients.
Christ taught specifically in several places about how only a little leavening will leaven the whole amount. He was speaking to how only a tiny bit of sin can contaminate our lives, and the importance of purity and holiness.
I think that leaving ALL leavening out is scriptural and a lesson on purity and being ‘wholly holy!’
This is not my area of expertise, but many religious sites that I just did a quick read on indicated that salt was fine (and Biblical) for unleavened bread. I thought this was a good write up on it (though I found a lot of discussion in various spots and was unable to find one that said no salt, but I only looked briefly):
But, thank you for your perspective and hopefully others can do some reading independently to decide what to do on this for their own families.
Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager
Salt is only a leavening agent when used with baking soda (sodium bi- carbonate).
I’d love to try this recipe, but being English I can’t come to grips with cup measurements. Could you please give the dry weight in pounds and ounces? when I convert it comes to 750g flour (26.4 ozs or 1lb 10ozs) which can’t be right!!!
I ran it through two different calculators specifically for all-purpose flour. Both estimated it to be around 22 ounces in five cups of all-purpose flour.
One of the sites said it was 22.046226 oz and the other said 22.031867753331 oz.
Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager