Celebrating the Liturgical Year in November- With Free Calendar Printables

It is my goal here at Catholic Icing to help you actually live your Catholic faith with your children- not to just fill your Pinterest boards with great ideas that never get utilized. These calendar stick ons are going to help you easily incorporte the liturgical year in November into your normal daily calendar. You can find all my resources on November feast days here.

I am a mother, just like you. I understand how overwhelming it can be. I know that nothing ever actually gets removed from the mother’s “to-do” list. It only gets moved back to the bottom of the list to be done again in the future.

So I’ve been really thinking and praying about how to help all of us accomplish living our rich faith with our children, because we know that’s what God wants us to do! But when I try to plan things using a liturgical calendar, I get overwhelmed. I realized, all this “fun Catholic stuff” for our families has to go hand-in-hand with the rest of our lives. This stuff needs to be side-by-side with our regular calendar stuff. You know- “Take Janie to the dentist” and “It’s the Feast of Christ the King!” right in the same square.

Which is why I’m presenting… Liturgical Calendar stick-ons! November edition.

liturgical calendar sticks ons for november

The reality is that a lot of Liturgical calendars are overwhelming to look at. There is something for every. single. day. I don’t always need to know that it’s the 96th Tuesday of Ordinary time and St. what’s-his-name’s feast day. Too many options paralyze us. It’s like trying to drink from a fire hose, and because we can’t do it, we don’t do anything. Yet another year sneaks by, and we missed St. Lucy’s feast day… again.

So, I’m trying something new. I made a simple, printable page with some of the big Catholic feast days in November. Here are the ones included for November, along with some links for celebration ideas:

printable liturgical thumbnail pictures for adding to your november calendar

For any Saint feast day, you can make an easy paper bag puppet, or fill out a simple Saint information page!

I’m not even asking that you put all of them on the calendar. I didn’t even put them all on  my calendar. Just print the page, skim it, and if any Saint or feast days grabs your eye, cut it out, and glue stick it to your calendar.

add liturgical celebrations to your calendar

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!
Use coupon code MAY2024 to save 15% off every month when choosing the monthly membership option. Coupon valid through May 13, 2024.

calendar stick ons for november catholic events

There is also a second page that includes things that could be used any month, depending on your family. I also put some things on there that sometimes us Catholics let fall through the cracks far too often, and these printables can be a reminder to schedule these things. Some “extra” calendar stick-ons include:

  • Baptism Anniversaries (If you don’t already celebrate your kid’s Baptism anniversaries, look up the date on their certificates and put them on your calendar! Also, add your Godchildren’s Baptism anniversaries as well.)
  • Birthdays
  • Wedding Anniversaries
  • Holy Day of Obligation
  • Special Feast Day (in case I missed an important Saint to your particular family)
  • Go to Confession (really good to try and schedule this monthly)
  • Volunteer
  • Donate
  • Pray the Rosary

adding catholic events to your regular calendar printable

The dates of each event are included on the paper. This is so it’s easy for you to cut and paste without too much thought. You just cut the picture and the name out, leaving the date on the paper. Glue them on as you go so you don’t forget what the date is for that picture.

Remember, feast day celebrations do not have to be elaborate. Doing something is better than doing nothing. I would like you all to check out Angie’s Easy Activities for Catholic Kids in November. She posts a simple page like this each month with 10 very “doable” ideas for families to celebrate the Liturgical year at home, and I’ll be linking to them with my calendar stick-on pages each month.

So, no more procrastinating! Print this page, cut out the little pictures, and stick them on your November Calendar! Go!

november liturgical calendar for catholic moms

Related Posts:

You can find all of my resources for living the liturgical year in November here.


  1. This is awesome Lacy! We’ve realized that we let so many beautiful days pass us by because we get so overwhelmed! Thank you for providing a real solution to help us capture even just a snippet of our lovely faith each month. I’m pinning to share with others, but printing one to get on our calender today!

  2. Thanks for sharing!! With my son preparing for Confirmation and my other two not far behind, this is a great way to introduce more saints to the kids. And the timely reminders for Confession are wonderful! I plan to share with my fellow Catholic moms at Bible study. Can’t wait to see December’s ideas!

  3. Thanks Lacy! I write feast days on our calendar to help me remember feast days and such in time to prepare something. I don’t always remember though. You’ve just made it fool-proof. What a great idea.

  4. Okay, I really love this. Thanks so much. I have been wanting to incorporate more feast day celebrations into our life but they always seem to pass us by yet again. I think this will really help. It is a great idea and I look forward to more of these.

    • So happy to hear it! I already started the December set. 🙂

      • Good to hear! I love this idea. I’m sharing them with my First Communion CCD class! What a great way to try to get families more involved.

  5. I cannot tell you how well timed and appropriate this post is in my life! With a one and a three-year-old, I’ve been trying to find ways to celebrate the liturgical calendar at home, but whenever I start looking into it, I just get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing, exactly like you said! I can see actually using this calendar. Thank you!

  6. Something similar to this has been on my “to-do” list FOREVER. THANK YOU for sharing this with us!! =) Instead of a monthly calendar, we will actually use these for our “This Week” section below our posted monthly calendar. This is just perfect for that and precisely what I have been hoping to pull together myself. Again, thank you!

    • Yay! Great minds think alike. 🙂 Isn’t the internet fabulous? That way we don’t all have to make our own stuff, we can share it with each other.

  7. What a fabulous idea! Thanks so much. I also appreciate the links/suggestions of ways to celebrate the feast days. 🙂

  8. Thank you so much! I printed out one for home and one for the classroom where I teach CCD. You’re right alot of the liturgical calendars look overwhelming. This is perfect!

  9. This is great! I just wish I had seen it about a week earlier. 😉 I run a faith formation program and write lesson plans for the catechists, and this week’s lessons were all about the liturgical calendar. This would have been a wonderful project to have them work on. But I have pinned it and will plan ahead to use it next year and add items throughout the whole year! 🙂

    • Ya, I’ll be coming out with them a little more in advance in the future.

      • I look forward to seeing what else you have!
        I have used a few of your projects in my faith formation program.
        Thank you so much for sharing all these wonderful ideas with us!

  10. This. THIS is fantastic. Oh my! I do a calendar for the kids each month and just use smileys for bdays and liturgically color-coordinated stars for feasts (red for martyrs, green for OT, etc.) and then just get creative with markers for other stuff. But these are just fabulous! Will you be sharing every month?!

  11. This is absolutely genius and wonderful! I’ve already put them on to our calendar! As your post says, sometimes I just get so overwhelmed with all that I think we should e doing or want to do that nothing gets done (which I deeply regret!). This is perfect for myself and for the kids! Thank you so much for all that you do!

  12. Oh my goodness this is SO helpful! You’re the best!!

    Thanks Lacey!!

  13. Thank you for rockin’ it Catholic style! I have come across your site at a time when I am trying to get more Catholicism interjected into our day to day lives. This is wonderful. Thanks so much for being you and sharing your ideas with the rest of us!
    God bless, Mandy

  14. This is AWESOME! Thank you SO much. I know previous comments have said how wonderful this would be for younger children, but my children are older and it still will be an amazing blessing. We can really learn in depth and study about the saints. You are SUCH a blessing! God bless, Lisa

  15. Teresa Carstens says

    Thank you! This is such a great idea. I get so overwhelmed when I try to figure out what Saint Day’s to celebrate, what big feasts are coming up, and generally how to incorporate a more Catholic life when every day could be something which is overwhelming. This is just so great. Can’t wait for future months!

  16. I am going to print it off too, even as a humble Anglican, and will compare it to what we have. Our church celebrates our own Saint (Peter), Christ the King and other Saints days when they fall on a Sunday.

    Can I just ask, what is a Holy Day of Obligation? I think I can work it out but not sure!

  17. Thank you! This is just what I needed – the kids love cutting it out and taping it to the calendar, and we have reminders of all the important saint and holy days to remember. Thanks for providing and sharing this!

  18. These are great! Will there be more editions? I’ve been anxiously awaiting for December’s! Hee Hee, because you’ve got nothing else going on!

    • The plan is to do them for every month, and come out with them in time for everyone to actually use them. 😉

  19. Are you still making up these monthly stick on printable s. I am hooked. I really like them. They are so handy and useful and easy!
    Thanks for all that you do. It is so appreciated here in my family.

  20. I loved these. I printed off the ones for November – January. Do you have more for the rest of the year?

  21. Love these! Will you have a set of these stickers for Lent & Easter?

  22. Fr Marc OP says

    You do never speak about my favorite saint: Albert the Great (15th of November) 🙁
    I think he could be a good way to show kids the importance of sciences and its compatibility with deep faith.
    I really like your work here even if I cannot use it for the moment because I do not interact with children.
    God bless you!

  23. This is EXACTLY what we needed! The “extra” reminders are going to be SO helpful. Thank you, Lacy!

  24. I love this! The pictures are a wonderful visual reminder for kids and adults!
    Thank you!

  25. I so, so, so, sooooo lllloooovvvveee this idea!
    Isn’t it the simplest things that win you over?
    Thank you for all your wonderful ideas that make teaching our faith FUN!
    Our faith is so AWESOME that, I believe, we have an obligation, not only to teach, but to pass on how GREAT, AWESOME, WONDERFUL, INCREDIBLE, TERRIFIC it is!
    Thank you again for all you do to help us succeed in doing so.

  26. Love it! When will December come out?! LOL

  27. Kathryn La Bruyère says

    I love this sticker idea!!! Perfect!

  28. These are awesome!! I might even print on sticker paper!! YAY Thank you.

  29. Diana Harold says

    Thank you, Lacy, for making the stickers. I am done with homeschooling now but I’m using them in my journal/calendar! Since I’m a convert this really helps make my faith more understandable and live a more liturgical life ! I was wondering if you had any of the other months besides December and January.

  30. The Feast of Christ the King moves from year to year. It is 5 Sundays before Christmas.