Saint Feast Days In June (And Other Days To Celebrate With Kids!)

I love coming up with fun and creative ways to live the liturgical year at home with kids, and June is full of fun Saint feast days to celebrate! Keep scrolling to the bottom of the post because it also includes other fun June feast days and faith filled Summer activities for kids! Now let’s look at these highlights of fun June Saint feast days to celebrate with links to crafts, food, and activities for you this Summer! 


If you’d like to get my free weekly newsletter with resources for Catholic kids and families, sign up using the box below. My weekly liturgical newsletter is always full of currently relevant resources for the liturgical year, weekly readings, and more! Subscribers of Catholic Icing also gain access to all of the free printables and downloads I offer by instantly receiving a link to the subscriber bonus page! 

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If you’re trying to plan a Saint feast day celebration with kids, you will want to check out my post about how to celebrate any Saint feast day. It takes you through my process of looking at their lives to choose an activity for kids, and it links to generic resources that will help you to celebrate any Saint. So no more being sad if you can’t find specific resources for your child’s namesake Saint! 🙂 

When you’re starting to teach your kids about the lives of the Saints, I suggest starting with a Saint picture book treasury that includes a lot of short stories you can read together. This will give you a good starting place and then you can add to your library of Saint books over the years. I think this Picture Book Of Saints beginning Saint book for Catholic families. I will mark the Saints below that have stories from this book. You can find all of my favorite Saint books for kids here.

I also recommend having a good children’s Bible available to read from, as it will also include many stories of the Saints. Although I have many children’s Bibles, The Jesus Storybook Bible is my favorite.

June Saint Feast Days To Celebrate

This list does not include Saints for every single day of June, but some highlights that are good for kids. 

June 1- St. Justin’s Feast Day

  • martyr, patron saint of philosophers

June 3- St. Charles Lwanga And Companions

  • the first martyrs of black Africa. St. Charles was one of 22 black Africans who were martyred for their faith in 1886. 

June 5- St. Boniface’s Feast Day

  • bishop and martyr, patron saint of Germany
  • St. Boniface’s story is found on page 51 of Picture Book Of Saints)

June 6- St. Norbert’s Feast Day

  • bishop, patron saint of Magdeburg and Bohemia, similar conversion of St. Paul when thrown from a horse

June 7- St. Willibald’s Feast Day 

  • bishop
  • Also, this is the feast day of Blessed Anne of St. Bartholomew- nun 

June 11- St. Barnabas

You can check out a short video about St. Barnabas for kids here. I love these little videos! 

June 13- St. Anthony’s Feast Day (Patron Saint Of Lost Objects)

St. Anthony is a very well loved and well known Saint! He is known for helping us find lost objects. You may have used this prayer to St. Anthony a time or 2 when searching for your keys:

Dear St. Anthony, please come ’round,

Something is lost that can’t be found.

Here are ideas for food, crafts, and fun for the feast day of Saint Anthony of Padua.

June 19- St. Juliana

  • foundress of Servite nuns

You might like to check out my nun paper bag puppet craft!

June 21- St. Aloysius Gonzaga’s Feast Day

June 22- St. Thomas More’s Feast Day

June 24- Nativity Of St. John The Baptist

What a great feast day to celebrate with kids! This day lends itself to all kinds of fun activities including learning about baptism, or even making some fun locust shaped snacks for kids! You can start by watching this short and cute video to learn a bit about him.


St. John The Baptist Kid Activities:

June 27- St. Cyril Of Alexandria’s Feast Day

  • bishop and Doctor of the Church 

June 29- Feast Day Of Saints Peter And Paul, The Apostles

Fisherman Crafts And Activities

Not only are fisherman and Jesus fish crafts a popular theme for VBS programs, but it’s also perfect for St. Peter since he was a fisherman! 

You can also check out this 24 page pack of  Saint Peter Printables and Worksheets from Real Life at Home.

St. Peter was also the first Pope, as Jesus hands him “keys” to the kingdom in the Bible.

“And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” Matthew 16: 18-19

So you may want to check out this list of Pope crafts activities for kids! In particular, it could be really fun and particularly symbolic to make these easy key shaped soft pretzels

I also have a printable peg doll of St. Peter in my printable resurrection peg doll set. You just follow the step by step directions to paint the head and decopage on the bodies. They look totally hand painted when you’re finished. So easy! And don’t forget the beautiful simplicity of celebrating with some goldfish crackers. 😉

June 30- The First Martyrs Of The Holy Roman Church

The traditional colors to symbolize martyrdom are red and white. White stands for their innocence, and red stands for the blood they spilled for our Lord. You could try making these red and white cookies.

If you’re trying to plan a Saint feast day celebration with kids and you didn’t see it here, you will want to check out my post about how to celebrate any Saint feast day. It takes you through my process of looking at their lives to choose an activity for kids, and it links to generic resources that will help you to celebrate any Saint. So no more being sad if you can’t find specific resources for your child’s namesake Saint! 🙂 

Printable Liturgical Planning Book

I have an all new liturgical living ebook that will help you plan out this entire process and customize the liturgical year for your own family. This is the perfect resource for families that are living the liturgical year at home. You can use this book year after year to organize your liturgical resources, building your library as you go! This is an absolute wealth of printables for Catholic families to organize everything from feast day celebrations, to Sacrament anniversaries, to your home altar. Read more about my Weaving The Faith ebook here

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

June Monthly Catholic Dedication- The Sacred Heart Of Jesus

Each month has a special Catholic dedication, and the month of June is dedicated to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus! The beautiful imagery of the Sacred Heart lends itself to all kinds of fun crafts, activities, and snack ideas for kids. You can find my full round up of ideas for celebrating the Sacred Heart with kids here

Movable June Feast Days

There is a whole string of moving feast days that follow Pentecost. The month they land in can vary depending on when Easter lands that year, but many of them tend to land in June! You can find all the movable feasts that follow Pentecost here.

Top June Posts

I can’t help what’s popular… you guys decide! Here are some things you ya’ll just looooooove reading about in June. 🙂 

More June Activities For Catholic Kids

You can check out the June Activities for Catholic Families printable on Real Life at Home from Angie (who is also the project manager on Catholic Icing)

Catholic Saint Books for June – The Kennedy Adventures

Free Printable Saints Coloring Book for June – Real Life at Home

Summer Fun With Catholic Kids!

As we are coming into the season of summer, you might find some more resources that would be great for vacation bible school handy! 

I now have a complete at home VBS Program for Catholic kids available!!!

It’s called “Summer With The Sacred Heart“. This is so much fun for kids and laid out to make it easy on mom. You’re going to love it!


Also check out these fun and easy summer staycation ideas for families!

More Faith Filled Summer Crafts For Kids (Perfect For VBS)!

I know lots of you are gearing up for Vacation Bible School, and this Jesus Loves Me craft is a popular one (plus it includes a free printable).

You definitely want to check out my printable fruits of the spirit crafts for kids. So many fun possibilities with this one and the fruit theme makes it perfect for summer time! 

Also fun for Summer is this easy beaded cross craft.

This fun tambourine craft for kids comes with a free printable coloring activity with a Psalm on it. Get your free printable here!

psalm 100 Bible craft

Or try making this super fun baby Moses wave in a bottle craft! This old classic with a Biblical twist is sure to be a hit with kids!

Be sure to check out my book for living liturgically with your family, Weaving The Faith

I hope you found these Summer resources for kids useful for your feast day celebrations this month. You can find all of my resources for living the liturgical year organized month by month here!


  1. Super excited and anxious to see the Summer with the Sacred Heart. Can’t wait.