Jesus Fish Craft

Catholic ABC’s Week: 11
Letter of the week: F
Theme: Fish
Saint of the Week: St. Faustina
Craft: Chalk Jesus Fish

F is for Fish Catholic ABCs

Fish outline with pastel colors around it
This craft is great for preschoolers as long as you keep the paper small so they don’t become frustrated with coloring. It’s also great for older kids to learn about blending colors, and you really can’t mess it up.
Materials Needed to Complete This Craft:
  • Black Paper (I used cut up black poster board)
  • School Glue
  • Colored Chalk (I used chalk pastels for brighter colors, but any colored chalk will work)

Draw a simple Jesus fish on your black paper with some school glue and let it dry overnight.

Black paper with glue outlines of fish
After the glue is thoroughly dry, give your kids the colored chalk and let them go crazy! Encourage them to blend the colors with their fingers and use the chalk sideways if they’d like.
Finger blending chalk

You really will get brighter results with chalk pastels, but when I did this with my preschool co-op I just used regular old Crayola® Multi-Colored Chalk – 12 Ct. and it worked just fine!

I wish I had pictures of the ones my kids made to show you, but I’m having some major computer problems. When I’m able to retrieve the pictures, I’ll try and post some. In the meantime, here are the ones I made:

 Two papers with pastel chalk and fish outline
After your kids are all done coloring, you might need to moisten the end of your finger and gently clean the chalk off the glue.

Grab Bag Ideas for the Letter Ff: (be sure to check out the Classroom Scriptfor directions on using the grab bag.) Fish, toy Farmer, Feather, Flamingo, Flower, Flip Flip, Family (holy family statue or holy card), toy Fairy.

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic ABCs Curriculum

Catholic ABCs Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten

Catholic ABCs Curriculum

Catholic ABCs is a hand-on curriculum full of crafts, printables, worksheets, saints, learning, and more for preschoolers and kindergartners. There are over 2,000 pages that you can use for multiple school years! (This is also a great supplement for 1st and 2nd graders.)

For More Resources, including free printable ABC scripture cards and a matching set of Catholic Saint crafts for preschoolers, check out the Catholic ABC’s Offical Resource Page.

Catholic ABCs Curriculum



  1. Alicia, The Snowflake says

    I love this idea! It's so easy I might be able to do it with my son…might 😉

  2. great F week activity. Thanks for sharing.

  3. So the outline of the fish turned black from the many chalk colors, correct? You didn’t use a marker to make it pop like that, right? This is an adorable craft!

    • The fish was drawn on first with glue, so the chalk doesn’t stick to the glue. You only end up seeing the black of the paper.

  4. I may do this next week. Do you think black construction paper will work?

  5. I LOVE this. We are going to do this with our Faith Formation class tomorrow! First lesson of the year. I want to make one too!

  6. Once finished, if you spray the chalk with a light coat of hairspray, it helps it to not smudge!