Catholic ABC’s Week: 27
Letter of the week: W w
Theme: World
Saint of the Week: St. William
Craft: He’s got the Whole World in His Hands!
- Blue and Green Markers
- Coffee Filters
- Glue Stick
- Paper
- Paint
Start by having your kids color 1 coffee filter each randomly with blue and green markers. Keep reminding them to “color where it’s white”. Otherwise, they’ll just keep coloring in one spot until they make a hold in the coffee filter.
Grab Bag Ideas for the Letter W: (be sure to check out the Classroom Script
for directions on using the grab bag.) World, wax, wolf, whale, wheel, whipped cream container, whiskers, whistle, whiteout, window, wig, wind chimes, windsock, plastic wine glass, wings, wizard, wood, wrapping paper, watercolor paints, water gun, walkie talkie, wallet, walnut, wand.
Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic ABCs Curriculum
Catholic ABCs Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten
For More Resources, including free printable ABC scripture cards and a matching set of Catholic Saint crafts for preschoolers, check out the Catholic ABC’s Official Resource Page.
Lacy, My hat goes off to you! I am amazed at all you do; being a wife, mother, homemaker, website creator of awesome crats and ideas. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your ideas, photos and your children with us! God bless you and your wonderful family!!