Having a home Mary garden is a beautiful way to show devotion to Our Lady, and can also be a beautiful way to get your children involved and even be a witness to your neighborhood. Just like anything, it is a lot easier once you actually get started, and it doesn't have to be complicated to put together. You can do this! You can find all of my ideas about how to honor Mary with kids in May here, … [Read more...]
Search Results for: mary garden
Make a Mini-Mary Garden with Kids
This week the kids and I made some Mary garden terrariums! Not only was this super fun, but it opens the door to discussing evaporation, plants, roots, and honoring Mary. You can find all of my ideas about how to honor Mary with kids in May here, and today we are going to talk about how to make a mini Mary garden with kids. I want to start out by saying that I'm not a garden … [Read more...]
Mary Garden Crafts And Ideas (Including Indoor Mary Gardens!)
If you're looking to make a traditional Mary garden, I have a post all about how to start a Mary garden here. But today I am going to share some ideas with you about different crafts you can make to go along with your Mary garden. There are also ideas here for having a Mary garden inside, and how to make a Mary garden even if you don't have a Mary statue. So check it out- Mary garden crafts and … [Read more...]
How To Celebrate The Nativity Of Mary
The feast of the Nativity of Mary is coming up on September 8, which means... Happy Birthday Mother Mary!!! **cue horns blowing and confetti flying through air** There are so many really fun and meaningful ways to celebrate the Nativity Of Mary with your kids, and today we are going to look at some food ideas, crafts, printables, and more! Nativity Of Mary "Cheat Sheet" "Nativity" … [Read more...]
How To Restore (And Paint) A Mary Statue
Catholic families love to have a Mary garden to display at their home. Often this is in a "Mary Garden". The statue can be big or small, new or old, and they all have the same purpose: To honor Mary in our homes and have a place to go for reflective prayer. But what if your Mary statue is looking... a little under the weather. I´m going to tell you step by step how I restored my own Mary statue! … [Read more...]
Printable Mary Statue Craft For Kids (And Optional Flower Crowns!)
Honoring Mary is a big part of the Catholic faith, and traditionally you will find Mary statues in Catholic homes, churches, schools, etc. They can be inside or outside, they can be part of a Mary garden, they can be beside the altar- anywhere really! Whether or not you have a Mary statue yourself, now you kids can have their very own, and all you need is a printer! Check it out- a printable Mary … [Read more...]
May Crowning Cake (A Symbolic Mary Recipe With Blueberries)
Honoring Mary in your family is a beautiful devotion to instill in your children. I always love celebrating the liturgical year with fun food and recipes! The kids always think it's a party when there is cake, as it is a traditional celebration food. You can find my post all about how to plan a May crowning with kids here, although this cake recipe is perfect for any Marian feast day or … [Read more...]
Mary Crafts And Activities For Catholic Kids
I've been designing Catholic crafts for kids now for... well 13 years. Wow! I didn't realize exactly how many Mary crafts I have made over that time, but it's a lot! So I decided to make this one easy-to-navigate directory to help ya'll find them all. Definitely share and save this link- it will be updated when I come out with new Marian content for kids. You can find all of my ideas about how to … [Read more...]
Taking Flowers To Mary With Kids
Here's my post from a few years ago about honoring Mary in May. I have links to all of my May Crowning resources at the bottom of this post. I hope your family is blessed with some ideas. :-) Since the month of May is dedicated to Mary, it's a great time to honor her with your little ones! You can find all of my ideas about how to honor Mary with kids in May here, and today we are going to talk … [Read more...]
Honoring Mary In The Month Of May With Kids
Since the month of May is dedicated to Mary, it's a great time to honor her with your little ones! There are many Catholic traditions when it comes to honoring Mary, and I just love making sure the kids get included in these. So let's look at honoring Mary in the month of Mary with kids. Plant A Mary Garden (Or Clean Up The One You Have) Having a Mary garden is not only a great way to … [Read more...]