Printable Spiritual Bouquet Cards

Spiritual bouquets can be just the right thoughtful offering for many events! Catholics traditionally give spiritual bouquets for such times as Sacrament celebrations, anniversaries, times of distress, and times of happiness! Really, when is prayer not the right gift for someone? You can read my post all about spiritual bouquets here. Today we are going to take a look at my printable spiritual bouquet cards.

I wanted to design a printable spiritual bouquet card that was beautiful, simple, easy to fill in, and easy to use. My one download has 4 different designs included! Let’s check them out.

I absolutely love this spiritual bouquet card with the cross design on the front! I think it’s my favorite! It says “a spiritual bouquet” and also has a place to fill in “prayers offered” and also “for the intentions of…” (which is where you fill in the recipient’s name). 

This little card is so beautiful when it’s printed out and I am in love with the colors! These are especially nice when you print them on card stock! 

*NOTE* each card design you see is offered in 2 formats: with a “from” spot where you can write the name of the sender and without. This is so you can either note who you are, or simply leave the spiritual bouquet anonymously. 

The artwork and design also goes along with your Weaving The Faith Binder– the ultimate resources for living the liturgical year at home. I love having everything as a big matching set!

I have another design that prints on the same page with similar colors, but you fill the information in on squares. This one is also super beautiful, and I love how colorful and fun these designs are.

I also wanted to pack to include some more serious and somber spiritual bouquet cards, because sometimes the occasions we give these for are not happy ones. I designed this second page specifically to meet the needs of less than ideal circumstances including to be used as sympathy cards.

This spiritual bouquet card in particular I designed with a more masculine or gender neutral idea in mind. There are just some times that we need an option that is not covered in flowers, so this one has just greenery for you.

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Ways To Use These Spiritual Bouquet Cards

Your first option is the most obvious! Cut out the card around the grey rectangle, fold it in half, and you have a super cute spiritual bouquet card that is empty inside so you can include a personal message.

Another option is to cut out the front of the card only, fill it in, and include it as an insert in an additional card. So this way you can include it inside of a graduation, birthday, anniversary, or Sacrament card.

Include Spiritual Bouquet Card In Flowers

You can even use these to go with any bouquet of actual flowers! This is a great pairing. To do this, print your card onto cardstock, and cut out just the front of the card. Fill it out with your information, and then use tape to secure the card to a straw or wooden skewer.

Now you have a spiritual bouquet card on a stick! It’s ready to be inserted into any flower bouquet of your choice.

Here is an example of the spiritual bouquet flower pick in my printable rosary roses. This makes for quite a spiritual bouquet display, especially is what they’re receiving from you is a rosary!

Get Your Spiritual Bouquet PDF Download Now

You can get your spiritual bouquet cards as an instant pdf download here now. It includes all 4 designs in one download, (each with options that include “from”, and also options that don’t) and it costs just $3, which is less than $1 per design.