Search Results for: Valentine

Fun Food Ideas For Kids On St. Valentine’s Feast Day

St. Valentine is one of the most well known Catholic Saints, and the whole world is a fan of his feast day! How could they not be? It's a great day to celebrate. St. Valentine's feast day is known for feasting for sure! There's nothing better than eating some fun love themed treats on this day. You can find all of my resources for celebrating the feast day of St. Valentine here, but today, let's … [Read more...]

St. Valentine’s Day Cinnamon Rolls

As most people on this planet know quite well, St. Valentine's most popular symbol is the heart given that he is the patron saint of love, married couples, engaged couples, etc. Here is an easy breakfast treat we made for celebrating the feast day of St. Valentine! Heart Shaped Cinnamon Rolls! :-) What you need: One can of instant cinnamon rolls red food coloring … [Read more...]

St. Valentine Craft and Card

I was inspired by another Valentine project I saw online here (an edible version) and I just knew I had to make this into a craft! You hand write your Valentines, and then make a decoder for reading them! I only wish my pictures did it justice! To make your own, just write your message on a piece of white paper with a fine tipped light blue marker. On this one I wrote "Love is Patient, Love … [Read more...]

John 3:16 Valentine Craft

I had seen this cute idea online in multiple places to spell out the word "Valentine" using the bible verse John 3:16. So I thought, "Why not make that into a kid's craft?" ;-) Took a little tweaking to convert it from the KJV to the RSV, but I figured it out. For older kids, they can start by writing "Valentine" down their paper any way you choose (in this example, I spelled it out written on … [Read more...]

Christian Bible Verse Valentines

Inspired by these "Perfect Pairings" Valentines from Family Fun, I felt challenged to come up with some cute perfect pairings that would be religious... because Christian stuff can be just as cute and fun as anything else, right guys? I mean, St. Valentine's Feast Day is a religious holiday after all! ;-) The idea is to make a simple Valentine by cutting out a heart from paper, and then … [Read more...]

Catholic St. Valentine’s Day Crafts For Kids

Saint Valentine's Feast Day is a Catholic feast day, and but it is one that gets easily lost in the shuffle. You can find all of my resources for celebrating the feast of St. Valentine with Catholic kids here. Today let's look at some Catholic craft ideas to help you and your family stay focused on the true meaning of St. Valentine's Day this year.  This printable Saint Valentine craft … [Read more...]

Spiritual Bouquet Craft for St. Valentine’s Day

I love the idea to make spiritual bouquets for St. Valentine's Day. I've been meaning to run spiritual bouquets for a while now, so what better time? :-) If you're new to the concept of spiritual bouquets, you can read my post all about spiritual bouquets here. You can also find all of my resources for celebrating the feast day of St. Valentine here. I just love this post I found over at Our … [Read more...]

DIY Catholic Valentine Ideas For Your Husband (Featuring Your Vows)

I know I almost always post ideas of crafts for your kids, but lets not forget about doing something special for our hubbies on St. Valentine's Day! After all, he is the patron saint of Marriage and Love :-) If you haven't yet been to Jeanne Winter's blog- Inspiring Ideas, you need to! She does the most amazing Christian craft projects, and everything she makes is just beautiful! She made 2 … [Read more...]

Printable Lenten Calendar 2022

This Lenten calendar is an amazing way to count down the days of Lent with even the smallest children! They can see the 40 days pass by and see Easter approaching! The whole thing fits on just one page, so you can easily print them for an entire classroom! This is the perfect way to help your children understand the true meaning of Lent and keep their Lenten sacrifices on track. Let's take a look … [Read more...]

February Home Altar Ideas For Catholics

Having a home altar is one of our favorite traditions as a Catholic family! We like to keep our altar fresh every month, changing the theme with the monthly dedication for Catholics. The month of February is dedicated to The Holy Family, and this is a very important month for Catholics to remember the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, St. Valentine's Day, and the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. … [Read more...]