One Activity For Each Sunday Of Easter- Celebrating The Octave Of Easter

In the interest of celebrating the entire Easter season with Catholic kids (it lasts for 50 whole days!!!) I made this list of things you can do each Sunday of Easter with your kids. These are all things that you do while at church on Sunday after mass, and the activities generally involve very little prep.

Printable For The Sundays Of Easter

Before we jump into the 8 simple ways to celebrate the Sundays of Easter, I wanted to share this Sundays of Easter countdown bunting with you! You hang an egg for each Sunday in Eater (there are 8) and move the little Jesus along as you go to keep track of which week you’re on. This begins with Easter Sunday, and ends with Pentecost.

Easter is also a great time to get to know the Mass better, and I highly recommend my Picture Book of the Mass for use with children at Catholic Mass.

I also have a post of 50 ways to celebrate the 50 days of Easter, so you definitely want to check that out as well!

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

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8 Simple Activities- 1 For Each Sunday Of Easter!

These activities are a great way to learn to utilize all your resources at church, as many of these things are appropriate to do any Sunday of the year.

  1. Easter Sunday: During Mass, point out to your children how the word “Alleluia” had been missing from mass, and now it’s back! Notice how ornate the altar is and full of flowers- talk to your kids about how we don’t have flowers during Lent, and now we have an abundance for Easter! Take a picture as a family after mass with all the flowers. Bring a candle (either just a white pillar candle, or a special made Christ candle) to mass with you. Have it blessed by the priest after mass. Light this candle each night at dinner during the Easter season.
  2. 2nd Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday: Bring a thank you card from your family to your priest for all of his extra hard work during Lent and Holy Week. You can also wear the colors red and blue to celebrate the Divine Mercy. You can find all of my Divine Mercy Sunday resources for kids here.
  3. 3rd Sunday of Easter: Bring a small bottle with you to church and have the kids fill it with holy water after mass.  There is generally a holy water container in the vestibule of Catholic churches with a spout at the bottom so you can help yourself. When you get the holy water home, use it to bless the doorways to your home and the rooms inside the house. Let the kids bless their own rooms. (“I bless this room in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” *sprinkle the water around the room*)
  4. 4th Sunday if Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday: Bring some flowers with you to church. After mass, place them by the Mary statue at your parish and pray a “Hail Mary” together as a family.
  5. 5th Sunday of Easter: Have the kids bring a religious object that they keep in their bedrooms and have the priest bless it while you’re there for Mass.
  6. 6th Sunday of Easter: After Mass, visit the adoration chapel with the kids, say a prayer together, and spend a little time with Jesus. If your parish doesn’t have an adoration chapel, stay in the pew after mass, kneel down in the presence of the Eucharist in the tabernacle, look up to the crucifix, and pray the prayer before a crucifix, or one decade of the joyful mysteries of the rosary.
  7. Seventh Sunday of Easter (your diocese may move Ascension Thursday to this Sunday): After mass, gather around the pascal candle, and have the spiritual leader of your household lead the family in a renewal of your baptismal promises. Bring your bottle of holy water with you so you can sprinkle the family at the appropriate time. You can find all of my Ascension resources for kids here
  8. Pentecost Sunday: Wear red clothes to mass. Stay after mass, light one of the larger red candles, and pray a prayer to the Holy Spirit together. Then ask the Holy Spirit for a one of his gifts. For example: Holy Spirit, this year our family prays for… (wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, or fear of God) You can find all of my Pentecost resources for kids here.

Remember, it’s still the Easter season until Pentecost! We observed lent for 40 days- we may as well celebrate for all 50 days of the Easter season as well! 🙂



  1. Rita Arce says


  2. Irene Kremer says

    My first time to browse your page. It’s awesome. Happy Easter! Thank you for sharing this to us! We’re going to do these activities. –mom from Bradford, Ontario.

  3. This is the most amazing website. Thank you so much. I work outside the home and have wanted to find something like this for a long time. Your page is SO neat! LOVING the themed snacks too! we did themed snacks all of holy week and so far each Sunday of Easter! Love the print outs too for both Easter count down and Lenton road to Easter! Thank you so much for sharing!