I am so excited to bring you this Friday’s Catholic how to draw video, how to draw Saint Brigid’s Cross! Saint Brigid’s feast day falls every year on February 1. She is also often celebrated on St. Patrick’s feast day (March 17) since she was Irish. It is customary on her feast day to make what is called a “Saint Brigid’s Cross” which are traditionally woven out of grass. You can see how we make ours out of pipe cleaners here. Today, we are going to
You can find all of my Catholic how-to-draws here, and be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter so you know always know when a new video comes out!
This is a great activity for Catholic kids when learning about Saint Brigid. This how to draw Saint Brigid’s Cross goes through this how to draw step by step so that it’s easy to follow along with.
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Find all of my resources for St. Brigid’s feast day celebrations here. There are so many fun and traditional ways to celebrate this beautiful feast day!