Simple All Saints’ Day Tea Party

So I’ve lived in places with excellent Catholic communities (such as Steubenville Ohio, and Northern Virginia) and I’ve lived in places with a far lesser Catholic presence (like South Carolina, where we currently live.) Although I still have an amazing virtual Catholic community, I don’t really have Catholic friends that live here in town, but I decided not to let that stop me from celebrating All Saints’ Day with my kids! I did have my sister-in-law and her 3 kids over, and we had a very simple, but very fun All Saints’ Day tea party with the kiddos! You can find all of our liturgical tea parties here, along with my tips for making tea parties extra fun for kids! You can find all of my All Saints’ Day resources for kids here.

Updated To Say

After I had this All Saints’ Day tea party I realized that what made it so cute was the Saint peg dolls, and not every family has those! So I was inspired to make an all new printable that is a Saint food label and they stand up just like these peg dolls do! I think you’re going to love these on your All Saints’ Day table. Grab your download here!

So I had basically no time to plan an All Saints’ Day party- execution only. So this all came together very quickly. It did help that we live a Catholic lifestyle here, so we already have a lot of Saint stuff in the house to work with. I concentrated on 3 things for the All Saints’ Day tea party:

  • Gather costumes
  • Go shopping for food
  • Have some kind of activities… maybe
  • Decorations dream on! 😉

That’s it. I used my Saintly food labels to make myself a shopping list. I love that these labels can just be paired with pre-packaged foods because I did not have time to cook this year. I used the labels with the food, and also paired the Saint peg dolls with the food if I had the right Saint.

All Saints’ Day Tea Party Food:

all saints day tea party ideas

St. Francis’ Friends = Animal Cookies


St. Peter’s Fish = Goldfish Crackers

all saints day tea party st. peter's fish

Tonsure Treats = Chocolate Doughnuts

all saints day party- st. francis

St. Mary Magdalene’s Chai “Spice” Tea

mary magdalene tea for all saints day

St. Nicholas Treats = Little Debbie Santa-shaped-brownies with cross candies on his miter along with candy cane crosiers.

saint nicholas treats for all saints day

all saints day tea party- st. nicholas treats

St. Cecilia’s Musical Keys = Wafer cookies with Hershey’s chocolate squares laid out like piano keys

st. cecilia treat for all saints day party

all saints day tea party free printables

St. Ambrose’s Honey-Tongued Treats = Bit-O-Honey Candies

st. ambrose's honey tongued treats for all saints day

St. Bernadette’s Firewood = Pretzel Sticks

saint bernadette's firewood all saints day party

Saintly stigmata sandwiches… well, I didn’t bother cutting these out like hands this year, so there was nothing really “stigmata” about them, but I put out the sign and peg doll anyway. 😉


And let’s not forget the Dr. Pepper Dr. Gianna’s Saintly Soda! 😉

(All food labels are free, printable, and available here.)


all saints day tea party ideas

We have poetry teas every Wednesday now as part of our homeschooling (and love it!), so this tea party didn’t seem quite right without some poetry. Luckily, we have this adorable Alphabet Saint poetry book (that I totally recommend, by the way!) and the kids really enjoyed the poems!

saint poetry book for kids

Tea party fun!

all saints day tea party

Before eating, we prayed, then did a short litany of Saints with the kids, asking everyone we were dressed up as today to “pray for us.”

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all saints day tea party for catholic kids

Don’t forget to grab your own Saint food labels to make your food into adorable Saint symbols, too!

The Costumes

Lydia as Our Lady of Fatima

our lady of fatima costume for all saints day

Great thing about a casual All Saints’ Day party at home… no one needs shoes. 😉

our lady of fatima costume with rosary

We made the crown mostly following these directions.

our lady of fatima- how to make a crown

Btw, this white dress has proven VERY handy for Saint costumes over the years!

one dress- 3 saints saint costumes for all saints day

Julian as St. George


Violet as Saint Mary Magdalene

st. mary magdalene costume

She chose St. Mary Magdalene because it’s her favorite peg doll, and she wanted to look just like the peg doll… I did my best.

st. mary magdalene printable peg doll

She’s holding a plastic Easter egg that Lydia painted red for her, and a little tea pot for the “oil” that Mary Magdalene brought to the grave Easter morning.

st. mary magdalene costume for all saints day

Anabelle as Little Nellie of Holy God

little nellie of holy god costume for all saints day

I had borrowed a dragon costume from a friend in hopes that she would be St. George’s dragon, but, you know, the girl wanted a pretty dress. Can you blame her?

little nellie costume for all saints day

Here are my 4 along with their cousins.
all saints day kid costumes

The Activities

I didn’t have much time to invest in planning the activities, but the kids had such a good time! This makes me realize… sometimes, us moms are over-shooting things. Can I get an Amen?

All Saints’ Day activity number 1- watching some CCC Saint movies. See the blank stares? That means they’re loving it. 😉

all saints day party- watching ccc movies

Next up- playing with Saint peg dolls. Always a hit here!

playing with Saint peg dolls

And for the really fun game… Saint bowling! We used my printable Alphabet Saints for this. The kids loved it and played for a solid half hour or so.

all saints day easy game- saint bowling

So my husband wasn’t sure that Saint bowling was a good idea… Lol. So take it or leave it. This was a Saint party on the fly.

Then we sang a very long litany of Saints. Very, very long. But when else are you ever gunna do that? It’s good to have some “substance” to the celebrating. 🙂

That’s all folks- simple but really fun! We’re creating life-long memories, and traditions that will (hopefully) trickle through the generations. 🙂

Find More All Saints’ Day Resources Here.


  1. Lydia looks so big! I just love her Our Lady of Fatima crown! And thanks for linking to my coloring page 😉

  2. This is so great! I lived in SC in the late 80’s as a child and I think it was only 3% Catholic at that time. Our church had a huge native Nigerian population and I always loved being invited and included in that culture. Thanks for sharing all of your great resources and ideas!

  3. ElizabethClare says

    Love it! Sometimes simpler is better. Still looks like a lot of work, but it is so worth it giving our children some excitement about their faith! We are blessed to a have a growing Catholic homeschooling community around us. It is wonderful you are taking time to keep the faith alive even if the communal support isn’t there.

    • Thanks- that’s how I felt, too. Like, I would love to just let it go (one less thing, right?) but we’re right in the thick of things right now with the ages of the children. These are the years you lay the traditions they will cherish forever!

  4. I just wanted to say that you might consider inviting non-Catholic friends. I have done VBS at our house before the kids were old enough for the ones at church and I invited Catholics and non-Catholics and all had fun. I even did a day a couple years ago of making your pipe cleaner Advent wreaths and I invited several MOMS Club friends and even the mom that is Muslim brought her daughter and had lots of fun and even asked lots of great questions. You never know who might be interested!

    • Great point! I guess I just assumed they wouldn’t want their children exposed to things they don’t really believe in…

  5. Looks like fun!
    Just curious what the significance of the red sphere that St Mary Magdalene is holding? Whats is supposed to be?
    Thanks for sharing all your ideas and resources!

    • She’s holding a red egg (you can google Mary Magdalene and the red egg) and a teapot, which is supposed to be a jar for the oil she brought to the tomb on Easter morning. She was trying to match the symbols on her favorite peg doll. 🙂