How to Access the Catholic Icing Subscriber Bonus Page

I get a lot of questions about accessing the Subscriber Bonus Page here at Catholic Icing, which contains lots of fun extras for subscribers. I hope this information will help those having difficulty navigating their way there.

If you are already a subscriber– If you were reading about this activity in an email (because you are already subscribed to my email updates) then the link to the subscriber bonus page is at the bottom of all of your emails from me. Really, it is. Scroll to the very bottom of this page and see a screen shot with a big pink arrow pointing to exactly where you find the link, and read what it says.

Please read through all of the steps on this page prior to emailing to ask how to reach the Subscriber Bonus Page.  I think most of the questions you may have can be answered below.  Thank you so much!

How to Subscribe to Catholic Icing Emails

The first step, of course, is to subscribe to Catholic Icing.  Not only will you get access to the subscriber bonuses (even when new ones are added), but you’ll also have Catholic Icing delivered right to your email inbox.

If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do it right here:

Important: After you submit your email address, you’ll receive an email with a link that you MUST click through to verify your subscription.  If you do not click through this link, you will not begin receiving emails and the ability to reach the Subscriber Bonus Page.


After you verify your subscription, you will receive an email thanking you for subscribing and giving you access to the Subscriber Bonus Page with a link along with the current password for the page.

In addition to that email, there is a link (along with the current password) to the subscriber bonuses at the end of each subscriber email.

Note: The password changes from time to time, so be sure to check the most recent newsletter if the password you have used in the past doesn’t work.