First Holy Communion Prep at Home- Kicking off the Year

My oldest is going to making her First Holy Communion this year, and we are making plans for prepping her at home.

first holy communion prep at home

Although in most cases your child is required to complete their sacramental religious education at the church, that doesn’t mean that we as parents don’t also have a responsibility to prepare them at home- we most certainly do! The Catechism says…

“The role of the parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute.” CCC 2221

“Through the grace of the sacrament of marriage, parents receive the responsibility and privilege of evangelizing their children. Parents should initiate their children at an early age into the mysteries of the faith of which they are the ‘first heralds’ for their children. They should associate them from their tenderest years with the life of the church.” CCC 2225

You see? It’s our responsibility to make sure our children are learning what they need to learn to be on fire with the light of Christ! A responsibility of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute. Now those are strong words!!!

As parents, we need to be setting the right example at home, and holding ourselves accountable for passing on the faith to our children.

One thing we will be doing at home this year is keeping a First Communion journal with all of Lydia’s prayers, thoughts, and most important lessons inside. This will serve as a learning tool, a keepsake, and also a way to review everything she learns this year. I will be sharing bits and pieces of what we are doing this year, and I’ll list them here as the year goes on so you can find them. Make sure you sign up for email updates if you don’t want to miss anything!

I will be writing more about our First Holy Communion journal soon.

We are also kicking off this First Holy Communion year with some gifts! First, Lydia is getting her very own Catholic Picture Bible. This Bible looks very mature, has golden edges, and is a definite step up from our Beginners Bible (which I also love, but Lydia is ready for something more serious.) I’m very excited about this Catholic Picture Bible because it’s so beautiful and feels very grown up for what is a very important occasion, yet, it still meets children on their own level.

catholic picture bible

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

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catholic picture bible 2

I also highly recommend getting A Picture Book of the Mass for your First Communicant if you don’t already have one. It’s great for them to be able to follow along with the Mass and get more serious about their participation in the Mass this year. (These can also be ordered at a discounted rate in bulk for entire First Communion classes.)

mass booklet for kids and adults

I know that First Communion gifts usually come in the Spring, but I want her to have resources that are going to be useful during First Communion preparation now. I also love making a statement that this year is special, and what we’re doing is very important.

Through the grace of the sacrament of marriage, we as parents receive the responsibility and privilege of evangelizing our children. Lets make this a fruitful and beautiful year, full of love, knowledge, and the kinds of lessons that are the most important for our children to learn! 🙂 May the lessons that our First Communicants learn this year serve them for a lifetime!

If you’re super excited about kicking off this First Holy Communion year with your child, check out these Eucharist related crafts, activities, and ideas for Catholic kids. Find all of my First Communion resources for kids here.

Picture Book of the Mass


  1. Hi Lacy,

    I just wanted to share one thing we did with our oldest son last year, and will do with our other son this year. Cub Scouts has religious emblems that scouts can earn, and the Committee on Catholic Scouting has one called ‘Light of Christ.’ It is specifically for boys in 1st-2nd grades (Tiger or Wolf Scouts) and consists of a workbook that is done at home with families, in addition to some other prep program (religious ed.) It was a wonderful addition to our religious activities this year, and really opened up some discussions with our son about First Communion and Reconciliation, as both are covered in the book. I highly recommend it for Catholic Cub Scouts in their First Communion year. We felt it rounded out our son’s preparation, culminating in his First Communion, and then a few weeks later, the presentation of the emblem by our priest at Mass.

    The workbooks can be ordered from the Catholic Committee on Scouting, and I’m not sure if there are similar ones for Girl Scouts. I hope this inspires some of your readers, and thank you for all that you do- your posts and ideas always inspire my family.

    • Thank you for posting this, Carolyn! My son is in 1st grade this year and is a Catholic Cub Scout as well!! I would have never known about this if it we’re for you. God Bless you 🙂

  2. Wonderful! My son is making his First Holy Communion in June of 2014. I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas about the journal. Thank you for sharing your ideas.

  3. gidgets bookworms says

    my 2nd grader is also taken her first communion this school year, May seems so far away but I know it will be here before we know it.

    We love the Saint Marys Press Catholic Bible and activity book.

  4. Lacy, this sounds wonderful. I will look forward to your posts on this and will share with the catechists and parents in my parishes. Thanks for all you do and share. Blessings to you and your family.

  5. Charlotte Braddock says

    Hi Lacy,

    Congrats on your son’s upcoming First Holy Communion. I am a Catholic School teacher and clip art designer. This summer I created a free set of First Communion clip art that you might enjoy using for a variety of projects, invitations, and party decorations. You can download it at:

    I would love to hear if you like it.

    Faith Filled Freebies

  6. Hi when does the classes start for First communion? Thank you! Would like my 3 boy’s to start going so they can do theirs……

  7. Hi a Lacy, In light of the Covid pandemic, I was wondering if you had Any ideas/templates for front door decorating for first holy communion. In New Jersey a lot of people are decorating their front doors for front high school graduations and I thought this would be a great idea for First Holy Communion. Our diocese did something similar for Easter and people were able to snap pictures of their decorated front doors and send them via social media to our Bishop. Our DRE and myself feel that if we give our parents an idea they’re more likely to do it. Thanks for your help.