Edible Advent Wreath for Kids (Fun And Easy Snack Idea!)

This is a really fun Advent snack that is super easy to put together for kids! I love doing hands on things while living the liturgical year with my kids, and as the Advent wreath is one of our favorite traditions, I always try to do some fun Advent wreath activities with them! This is one of the kid’s favorites- an edible doughnut Advent wreath! This fun edible Advent snack is a good way to keep Christmas sweets focused on the true meaning of this season. All you need is a doughnut, green sugar, and birthday candles! 

Cruller doughnut with purple and pink candles
Talk to your kids about how advent wreaths are round (like the doughnut) andjust like God- there is no beginning and no end. Then make some green sugar (I had some left over from Mardi Gras) and sprinkle thedoughnuts. Evergreens are a symbol of eternal life.
Tell your kids that the purple candles stand for royalty because Jesus is our Prince of Peace. The pink candle is the color of a rose. Light the candles and tell them what each one stands for as you do. The first purple candle stands for hope, the second one for love, the pink candle joy, and the last purple candle stands for peace. We light the advent candles to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world and from the darkness he brings life. (Little disclaimer here to remind you not to burn your children).
Edible Doughnut Wreath

What order should you light your advent candles in?

Light the purple candle across from the pink one first and then go around clockwise.

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Edible Doughnut Wreath
I love this “Jesus is the Gift” plate it’s on! I got it at the blogging conference I went to, and I wish I had the whole set!


Edible Doughnut Wreath
The Jesus is the Gift Snowflake Collection is available from Dayspring. I really wish I had this platter and the pitcher. We might use our little plate for setting out Santa’s cookies this year. 🙂

I know some families give up sweets for Advent. If this is true for your family, maybe you could make round soft pretzels and green salt. Be creative, and happy waiting! 🙂
You can find all of my Advent wreath resources for families here 🙂
Advent Wreath Resources for Families
The Advent Christmas Planner- available from Catholic Icing


  1. This is such a fabulous idea! I think we will be getting doughnuts on the 4th Sunday of Advent! I just found this site, and I LOVE it!

  2. I love this!! Even though my boys might be on the older end for this activity, I think they will enjoy it. We usually have a time on the first Sunday in advent when we discuss the meanings of the symbols of advent. This will go along with that perfectly!

  3. such a great idea !!! thanks for sharing & that's a gorgeous plate, too !

  4. looksgoodinpolkadots says

    This would have been fun for the kids on Sunday, our lesson was Advent. 🙂 I'm thinking we will still do this during the advent season in class. You have such fun ideas!

  5. Amazing_Grace says

    Oh, my gosh! This is so cute! Yesterday I had my class make the Advent Wreath Craft from catholicmom.com, but I like this much better! We will make these next year for sure! 🙂

  6. People give up sweets for advent? For real? That's what we do for Lent. Your wreath is adorable. Thanks.

  7. Tiny Actions says

    Time to make the donuts!!! What a great idea. We'll be doing this on Sunday for sure. Thanks for the cute idea.

  8. Thank you for this idea! Our 3rd grade RE class made these as we talked through the meaning of Advent and the Advent Wreath! They 1st wrote on the plate: Jesus is The Gift! HUGE, HUGE hit. Our students tell us RE is their favorate class. How awesome is that?! – From ShinySideUp

  9. This is a fabulous idea!! I am so excited to do it with my kiddos this year!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  10. We are going to do this with my 2nd grade catechism class this weekend. However, we are not allowed to have open flames in the class so we are going to use small sucker sticks with a candy corn on top for the candle/flame. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful ideas. You are an inspiration!

  11. this is a perfect lesen i will share with my special needs group to morrow night they will be able to relate to this message and have a donut as well thanks for posting this