The Ultimate Liturgical Living Book- Weaving The Faith

Brace yourself for the most comprehensive resource ever released by Catholic Icing! For almost a decade, you have been asking for Catholic Icing The Book, and y’all… this. is. it!!! I have been envisioning this book for 8 years now, and using a version of it at home myself even longer than that. Giddy doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel in having finally pulled together this beautiful guide for liturgical living!!! I call it “Weaving The Faith”. Check it out!

Note: The printable liturgical pack is a digital product. You will receive a PDF file to download and print. No physical product will be shipped to you. 

In this 120 page ebook, you will gain access to everything you need to plan your liturgical living at home! Celebrating feast days gets easier year after year as you build your own liturgical library to fit the interests of your own family!

There has never been a book about living the liturgical year that will include every feast day your family might want to celebrate, and doesn’t have feast days included that will never interest you specifically- until now! In the “Weaving The Faith” eBook, there is a simple way to put together your very own liturgical living guide! You can include all your favorite feast days, recipes, and resources. Just include what you celebrate! This is your ultimate resource for living the liturgical year with your family. 

How To Live The Liturgical Year

There are 21 pages in the opening chapters explaining how and why to live liturgically with your kids. These chapters are perfect for the beginner and the veteran as well with many practical tips about celebrating feast days and how to plan. It also includes what the Catechism says about teaching your children in the home, gives you 15 places to start, and walks you through choosing feast day celebrations for your own family. 

The book itself even comes with a checklist so you can track your own progress as you work through the material!

Liturgical Divider Tabs

Check out these super adorable divider tabs that help you organize your resources by the liturgical season. They are included in the pack!

The tabs included are all of the liturgical seasons, Ordinary Time 1 & 2, and an extra tab for Holy Week (because so much happens at that time). There are also tabs to organize your prayer, sacraments resources, Saints and Angels resources, your calendar pages, and an extra notes section. 

I just can’t get enough of these cute little liturgical themed tabs! They make me happy every time I open up my binder. 

Complete Home Altar Guide

My complete home altar guide (a $5 value!) is also included inside of this large pack! It walks you through all the hows and whys of building a home altar. You will also find a checklist for building your own and get all the inside tips on how to switch it out for the days and seasons. 

As a bonus, the home altar guide includes labels for your Catholic items and it will help you organize all of your seasonal supplies. 

There are so many beautiful items included in this pack that are perfect for displaying on your feast day table!

There are also interactive pages included that can be placed in a frame on the home altar, and your family can write in their prayer intentions or the Saint of the day with a dry erase marker. Just wipe the glass with a tissue to use again and again!

Feast Day Planning Pages

Not only does the book take you through the process of planning feast days as well as touching on the differences between solemnities feasts and memorials, it also provides Saint and feast day “fill in” pages! There are several versions of these available. They can go in the binder as well as being used to be displayed on your home altar. 

You will find several different options for brainstorming and prioritizing what feast days your family wants to celebrate. You can use my own provided list to get your wheels turning.

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!
Use coupon code MAY2024 to save 15% off every month when choosing the monthly membership option. Coupon valid through May 13, 2024.

I also have monthly pages for keeping your favorite feast day lists, and these are going to be your best friend through the years! Whenever you see a feast day that you’re interested in, write it in on your month page. Always keep these 12 pages in your binder and you never have to forget about another amazing feast day again! Over the years the list will become more and more geared towards your own interests. The directions also encourage you to star your priority days. Prioritizing is the key to accomplishing what is important to you

Sacrament Resources

Now all of your sacrament anniversary dates (such as baptisms, wedding dates, and even First Holy Communion dates) can be kept in your binder! You’ll never have to go searching for them again. 

You can also keep Baptismal certificates right in your binder in a clear sheet protector page. There is also a Baptism anniversary fill in page that can come out for celebrating these days! All of these resources can be kept behind your “Sacraments” tab. 

Liturgical Meal Planner

You can now keep all of your favorite recipes right in your binder organized by the liturgical year! Never again do you need to go searching online for a recipe you have used before. I love having actual printed recipes that I use again and again with my own notes added like “half the salt”. I also love having a screen free experience when cooking, especially with my kids. For all of these reasons, I have been keeping a binder of my recipes now for about 10 years.

The liturgical divider tabs can also be used to make dividers for your own recipe box, and matching 4×6 recipe cards with Saint quotes are included in multiple patterns. There are also several variations of weekly meal planners with Scripture on them, and a “special meal planner” along with a shopping list page. You can use these pages to plan a special meal such as Easter dinner, then make the shopping list, and keep it in your binder so you don’t have to recreate the menu and shopping list year after year! The shopping list is also divided between “groceries” and “other” to make the shopping process easier for you.

I absolutely love keeping these filled out for Thanksgiving and Christmas so I can easily repeat the same meal each year without having to wrack my brain. What other days do you tend to make the same year after year? This could be the last time you have to create these meal plans! 

In this section I’ve also included my liturgical tea party planning pages. I have been meaning to make these for years, so I’m very happy they made their way into this pack! My liturgical tea party planning pack sells for $3 all on it’s own, but it’s included in Weaving The Faith. 

Beautiful Catholic Display Pages

There are so many beautiful pages included in this binder that are perfect for displaying in your home. Catholic lists such as the Mysteries of the Rosary, monthly dedications, Holy Days of Obligation, the liturgical colors, and the principal liturgical celebrations are all included. You also get a printable liturgical calendar, and all of these pages are beautiful for displaying on your home altar or anywhere. 

Prayer Planning Pages

Yes, even prayer can benefit from being organized! Check out this new system that can also go right into your Weaving The Faith binder. I have pages for scheduling out weekly prayer as well as a page for keeping an ongoing list of prayer requests.

Below you will see these cool pages to track your prayer habits, including a brand new novena tracker. I am so excited to start putting all these pages to good use! 

I also have some pages for you to fill in with your own special family prayers!

Printable Mass Resources

There is a Mass reflection page that breaks down the parts of the Mass. This page can be used independently, or as a family. You can even assign a different part of the Mass to each family member before it starts and get everyone’s reflection afterward on their part of the Mass. Also, you’ll love my special wardrobe planner! This is a super handy page for planning what multiple family member will wear to a special occasion such as Easter Mass or a wedding. It will take all of the stress out, and prevent you from finding out 30 minutes before Mass that one of the kids doesn’t have church shoes that fit.

Inspirational Scripture And Quotes

You will also find little inspirations Bible verses and Saint quotes throughout this beautiful download to encourage you on your journey!

Recap Of What’s Included In Weaving The Faith Ebook:

  • How to live the liturgical year in your home– several chapters on what liturgical living means, how to pick the feast days to celebrate, everything you need to know to plan feast day celebrations, the power of tradition of nostalgia, and what the Catechism says about Religious Education.
  • A full home altar guide– how to set up a home altar, what to include, a checklist, how to switch out resources, special altars throughout the year, and labels for organizing your Catholic items. (This is a $5 value that comes included for free inside this pack!)
  • How to plan liturgical tea parties– a comprehensive guide of what to include at each liturgical tea along with a checklist to make your planning super easy.
  • Adorable Divider tabs– the printable tabs included in this download help you to easily organize your resources by liturgical season and more!
  • Liturgical Meal Planner– Meal planning pages, special meal planning, shopping lists, recipe pages, and recipe cards… everthing you need to be successful in liturgical meal planning! 
  • Monthly Feast Day Planning Pages– These pages are going to make it easy for you to customize what feast days you want to celebrate for years to come! Keep adding to your own lists, never including feast days that aren’t special to your own family. This kind of customization is what makes this binder resource so valuable!
  • Beautiful “Catholics Lists”– these pages are perfect for displaying on your home altar or anywhere in your home and include the liturgical seasons, the Mysteries of the Rosary, the most important feast days, monthly dedications, Saint of the day, prayer requests page, and more.
  • Prayer Planning Pages– There are many helpful prayer organizers included. These help you keep track of your prayer requests and even assist you in scheduling daily prayer. A prayer habit tracker and a novena tracker are also included. You will also find pages to make your own family litany of Saints by filling in your own patrons.
  • Mass Resources– There is a Mass reflection page that can be used independently or as a family after any Mass as well as a special wardrobe planner for getting multiple kids ready for a special occasion.
  • Sacrament Resources– Find many beautiful pages to fill in with your family’s own sacrament dates along with a special Baptismal anniversary fill in page.
  • Extra Planner Resources– This book is all about weaving your faith into the ordinary, so pages like to do lists, week at a glance, and shopping lists are included! This binder can help you plan many elements of your year!
  • Feast Day And Saint Fill In Pages– There are several versions included. All you do if fill in the information about the Saint or feast day, then you can display the page on your home altar or feast day table! You can keep these pages in your binder to use year after year.
  • Glossary Of Important Terms– I have a small glossary of liturgical year terms. This is a great list for beginners. Never feel intimidated by liturgical terminology again!
  • Liturgical Calendar– This can be used in your binder and also on your home altar.
  • Handy Links- Several pages of direct links to feast day celebration pages are included in a very organized manner. No more hunting for resources!
  • Inspirational Scripture and Saint quotes throughout!
  • Every page is beautiful enough to display!

Purchasing Options

No expensive monthly membership fees, just a one time fee for this absolute mother load of beautiful Catholic printables to serve your family year round. Get your Weaving The Faith ebook today and get started planning your liturgical year. Lent is the perfect season to start organizing your liturgical resources! 

I hope these pages bless your family as much as they have blessed mine. Thank you for all of your support over the years that made this resource a possibility for the Catholic community! 



  1. This book is amazing. The resources in here are everything I wish I had time to sit and plan. The planning is done! Thank you for such an great resource. I feel like I can sit down and plan how to create a deeper faith life for my children. I cannot wait to try all the ideas in this book. My children’s faith will grow thanks to your effort. I know have a resource that fits my crazy schedule. Thank you Lacy.

  2. I am having a hard time printing out my binder contents for weaving the faith. Is there anyone that can help me? Each time I print (wasted tons of paper), these black marks on the pages take over the design and completely alters the content.
    Please advise.

  3. Hi Lacy! Thanks so much for this resource. I am having a great time working on our liturgical year binder and merging this with your monthly calendar to build my planner as well.

    I am so thankful that you put the font in the PDF so we can customize pages. Is there a way to download that font to my computer from the PDF? Just trying to figure out how to best make use of that! Thanks!

    • Hi Jessica –

      I’m so sorry, but I don’t really understand your question. Are you asking to find out what the font is that Lacy used so you can find it and download it?


      Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager

      • Hi Angie,

        Thanks for the reply! Yeah, if she is willing to give the name of the font that would be great!

        Essentially I would like to use the font to customize a few pages that I would like to add to my binder and have them all match. She explained that was why she put the font page in the PDF. I am just unsure how to make use of the font from that, but if I had the name and could download on my own that would work just fine!


        • Hi Jessica –

          Lacy doesn’t recall ever mentioning anything about the fonts to people, but when I asked, she shared that the fonts used are Adreena Script and Ink Free. To use them on your computer, you would need to find or purchase them yourself.

          I hope that helps!

          Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager

          • Hi Angie,

            Thanks! That is very helpful. Found them easily that way!

            If it helps, I was referring to page 31 of the Weaving the Faith download. Maybe I misunderstood, but it is an alphabet page and says,

            “This is a page of alphabet letters that match the look of the follow- ing printables. These can help you to customize your own pages using the same lettering style used throughout this book. Have fun personalizing your own Faith Weaver’s Binder!”

            Perhaps that will help if you get more questions like mine in the future :).

            Thanks again for the help!


  4. Hi! What size binder is this? 1 inch? 2 inch? 3 inch? The content, as well as the monthly content, looks wonderful!
    Thank you!

    • Hi Leana –

      This download has 120 pages and that’s without you adding in your own content, so while you could pick your own binder size that you preferred, I would imagine you would want at least a 1.5-inch binder, though a 1-inch binder can typically hold 175 pages or more, so even that might work for you.

      I hope that helps!

      Angie, Catholic Icing Business Manager