Prayer Activities, Crafts, Games and More!

We all know that during Lent, we focus on prayer, fasting, and alms-giving. Here are some fun ways to help children understand prayer and to encourage them to pray more often.

On I Blog Therefore I Am, find these Prayer lesson plans and ideas for Pre K-K. This adorable Prayer Bear is just the tip of the iceberg for cute prayer ideas! Also find vocabulary, children’s prayer songs, crafts, games, snacks, coloring pages, and more!
Bear cartoon reading "Prayer Bear"


I found this adorable prayer book at Toddler Activities at Home.
Hand-shaped Prayer Book
I love this prayer intention board from Catholic Family Vignettes!
Lord Hear our Prayer display
 Over at His Mercy is New, I found this prayer journal
for kids. I love it because she puts pictures
on every page to show a prayer intention!
Open book with page reading Pray


Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

Here’s a cute idea for a prayer garden from Two Shades of Pink.
Paper Flower Garden


Check out this “Make Time Throughout the Day to S.T.O.P”
activity with Holy Experience.
Paper stop sign with back reading "Stop, Think, Obey, Pray"

I Blog Therefore I Am never disappoints! She has lots of prayer ideas and links, plus she created these Hail Mary and Lord’s Prayer games, and you can download them and print them for free! Her games are always fun and educational 🙂

Hail Mary and Lord's Prayer games


  1. Thanks for sharing all these great ideas! I am definitely going to use some of these! 🙂

  2. Amazing_Grace says

    Thank you for featuring me on your fantastic blog. It's amazing all the things you find on the internet and share with others. 🙂

  3. Amazing_Grace says

    If anyone is interested in a prayer lesson for older kids (1st grade on up), here is one they might like.

  4. Lacy, you always have such great stuff on here! I actually have a request. It doesn't exactly fit into any liturgical season, but I was wondering if you've ever done a post with responsibility charts? My 5 year old daughter and I are working on that virtue this month, and I wanted to print something for her to put on the wall, but I haven't found anything I like. I'm working on making one for her, but I figured I'd see if you had anything before I re-invented the wheel =) Thanks!!!

  5. I discovered your blog this week. I already ran out of printer ink. When I get some more ink cartridges I will be back:)

  6. Hi Lacy! I posted a post for your Lent Link Up!

    I hope it's helpful!
    Thanks so much for all you do,it's wonderful!!!
    God bless!

  7. Two Shades of Pink says

    Hey Sweet Lacy!
    Thank you so much for featuring my prayer garden. Spring is coming and I need to implement this idea again for both my girls. I will grab your cutie patootie button too! You are awesome!