How to Start a Scripture Journal with Children

Starting a scripture journal with kids is not as complicated as it seems, and it can be done almost entirely independently.

child's scripture journal

“Can I play with you?” “Yes”

 What you need to start a scripture journal with kids:

  • A journal notebook with a space at the top to draw a picture, and a place underneath to write out the Bible verses. Ours came from Staples. You can order them online, or print out your own paper and keep it in a binder.
  • A pencil.
  • Kid-friendly Scripture verses.

That’s it. We started with the scripture verses from Catholic ABC’s, but there are endless places to find good scripture verses for kids.

child's scripture journal page

Give your kids the journal, along with the printed out Bible verses, and explain to them how to copy. Tell them they can draw a picture at the top of the page that has something to do with the verse.

Sometimes I am really surprised at some of the stuff Lydia comes up with!

copy bible verses for children

“Thank you for dying. You saved me, Jesus”

All the pages of Lydia’s scripture journal I shared today were done during 1st grade, and it was all completely independent. She has certainly used some of the pages to write things that aren’t scripture, but that’s ok. It’s her journal, so she can write what she wants in it.

child sign of the cross journal page

(We sing our prayers at bedtime, so that’s why the musical notes here.)

She also seems to jump all over the book rather than just using the next page, and I’m ok with that as well. I don’t want to micro-manage this because I  want it to be something she continues on her own.

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scripture journal page from kid

“Here, you can have it.” “No, thank you.”

She also doesn’t color her pictures, but again, she’s doing a good thing so I’m letting her do it her own way.

This year, we are incorporating scripture journaling into our First Communion journal, so we are picking verses that coincide with our lessons.

scripture journal for children

“Thank you God for making me. I love you, Jesus.”


Do your kids have a scripture journal? What do you do differently?

Now that my kids are older, we have gotten into bible journaling! You can find my Catholic bible journaling resources here.

You can find even more bible resources for kids here including free printables, scripture memory resources, the best children’s bibles, and more!


  1. Carrie @ Crafty Moms Share says

    What a wonderful idea! I love it and am definitely going to do this with my daughter. Thank you for sharing it!

  2. This is a very good and doable idea. Thank you for sharing!

  3. We do one too! Except we start with our letter of the week so the littles can participate too! Love this!!

  4. This is a great idea! My Sunday school 2nd graders would love this and it’s very developmentally appropriate for them.

  5. Catholic Child says

    Such a sweet idea that children can one day look back on and treasure!

  6. I write my prayers in a prayer journal, and my 4 year old wanted to be like Mommy, so we divide her page into “For What I’m Thankful” and “For What I Ask,” because I want her to know that she can take anything to God. We write a verse on a small dry erase board and discuss it, then she draws in her prayer journal while I write in mine. When I’m finished, we label her pictures. Sometimes I write the label and sometimes I spell it out for her and she writes it. I try to pray for her in my journal at that point and then I return to it when she’s asleep. It’s relatively new in our home, but she LOVES it.

  7. Hi Lacy, I shared this on “Saturday Shout Outs!”:

    Thanks again for sharing!

  8. Talia Gonzalez says

    Hi Lacy,

    My question is, how do you work with the Scripture journal. Is it something weekly, or daily?
    Do you talk about the verse before having them write it on?
    Do you use the same verse for all your kids?