How To Make A Palm Spiral (So Easy!!!)

I love to fold palms from Palm Sunday into all kinds of creative shapes! I make crosses, braids, and more! Somehow, Palm Sunday just brings out the crafter in every Catholic. You can find 10 things to do with Palm Sunday Palms here. Palm spirals are beautiful, and absolutely one of the easiest things you can make out of your Palm Sunday palms! Today I’m going to show you exactly how to make a palm spiral. 

how to make a palm spiral form a palm sunday palm

Take your palm, and wrap it around something long and skinny (such as a broom stick). Secure on both ends with a small piece of tape.

how to make a palm spiral

Allow it to dry for a few days. Remove the tape and slide it off the end.

how to make a palm spiral from palm sunday palms

Yes, that’s really all there is to it. 😉

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how to make a palm spiral for palm sunday

These are quite beautiful when tucked behind things or in your fake flower arrangements.

The Symbolic Holy Week & Easter Cookbook is sure to bless your family in the upcoming seasons! Read more now.

You can find my list of 10 things you can do with palms here.

You’ll find all of my Lenten resources for kids here