First Friday Linky- What have you been working on?

Happy First Friday, everyone! This is the part of the month where I get to see what you’ve been doing! Is anyone getting ready for school? Getting ready for CCD? Been doing any fun Catholic stuff with your kids? Share your links at the bottom of this post and check out what everyone else has been doing!

As most of you know, I haven’t had time for many crafts lately with all the work from writing and shipping my book. (For anyone who doesn’t already know, it’s a Catholic preschool book for homeschoolers or co-ops. I wanted to share a few pictures of that process with you!

When I was FINALLY finished with the book, we celebrated with a book launching party with out close friends and family. It was a casual pot luck, but so much fun!
I served “Catholic Icing” cupcakes.
Here’s Violet trying to help herself to some Catholic Icing. 😉


Here’s the mantel decor with my book:
Here’s the table before the potluck food arrived. Complete with “book worms” and alphabet cookies. 🙂
I also had favors. They were little fig newton books (made like these cute bible fig newtons) and 2 more bookworms in each bag tied with ribbon.
We had lots of kids here! Most of these are my kids or nieces and nephews.
Here’s a picture of my girls at the party!
When all the books actually arrived here, it was so exciting! My kids all ran onto the porch jumping and screaming “Mommy’s books! Mommy’s books!” I’ve been dreaming of and working on this book for years, and completing it was so huge for me! I’m pretty sure we scared the poor UPS man! lol! Anyway, here’s a picture of me with my books!

(Yes, I’m aware that posting this picture makes me a total nerd, but is was seriously so exciting for these books to become a reality!)

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

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My mom made me these cupcake flip flops. Aren’t they cute?
I totally get my craftiness from her. 🙂


A few days later we had UPS and USPS out here at the same time- both wanting to be the new shippers of my book. This was crazy and I was laughing at both of them!
Anywho, I shipped them USPS. It was a lot of work, so I called for reinforcements. I LOVE my friends- they’re the best! And yes, my living room resembled a post office for several days. 😉
Here are most of the books I was able to send out that first day. It’s nice that the post office will come to my house and pick them up because there’s nothing worse than dragging 3 kids into the post office.
I’m all done shipping for now because I don’t get anymore books in until next week. I’ll begin shipping again on Wednesday. You can read more about my new book, Catholic ABC’s, here.
In other news, I’m going to be speaking at the 2:1 Conference this Spring! It’s a Christian homeschooling conference for bloggers, and I’m REALLY excited about it! I’m going to be speaking on homeschooling preschoolers along with Kendra from Preschoolers and Peace. Consider going! If you’re going, let me know! I’ve been working with Cheryl in coordinating how to get all us Catholics to mass that Sunday!
Now it’s your turn! What’s going on with you? Share your posts below! (Before linking, click here to read about the First Friday link-up.)