First Friday Linky Moved

I was intending to host the First Friday link-up today, but Good Friday seems like a weird day for that. So I’m moving our link-up to Easter Monday. We can all share how our families observed the Triduum, and what our plans are to keep the Easter season going through Pentecost.

I’ll be off my computer until then. Have a blessed Triduum!

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

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First Friday Link Up


  1. Krystel Watts says

    Hi Lacy,
    Just wanted to express my sincere thanks for you amazingly wonderful and inspirational site. I am new to the catholic faith – not being brought up a christain – finding God in my late teens, to coming to the catholic faith in the past yr (10 years later!).
    I have been really struggling for practical things to share my beautiful faith with my children, having no family history to go on. Finding your site has been an absolute blessing!!! We have had the most amazing Lent and Easter season doing a few of the things you have shared and my kids are learning and interested!!!
    THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!! for sharing your beautiful faith and creative ideas!
    May God abundantly Bless your family for your service to HIM!!!!!
    Kind Regards,
    Krystel Watts
    New Zealand

  2. Happy Easter Lacy!! Jesus lives!! May the joy of His resurrection bring you closer to Him!