FINALLY! A Catholic Journaling Bible!!! Yay!!!

Well, it took long enough, but for those of you who haven’t heard yet, There’s finally a REAL Catholic Journaling Bible. Actually… there are 2 options. 🙂

First of all, I will say this is not a review. I don’t own these Bibles. I have the NRSV Notetaker’s Bible and it cost me like, more than $200 when I started bible journaling years ago. And now I’m stuck with it lol. Because I LOVE bible journaling and I’m not starting over. But it’s not too late for the rest of you! You can still get the Catholic one, it won’t cost you and arm and a leg, and now I never need to suffer from Catholic bible journaling guilt when positng about bible journaling anymore 😀

Ok so there’s The Catholic Journaling Bible on Amazon. It looks like it’s between $43-$50. Pricier than the Protestant versions but a whole lot cheaper than former options for Catholics.

You can see in the picture above that the margins definitely allow for some creative expression 🙂

Then I also found this Catholic Journaling Bible – Old Testament and New Testament.

*UPDATED TO SAY* On second look this translation may not be officially approved by the church.

Now… I can’t say that I love the idea of having them split like this. I like having mine all in one place. The New Testament is about $12 and the Old Testament is around $30. So either way it’s going to cost you about the same for the complete Bible. Here are some pictures of this option:

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And there’s plenty of room for creativity inside! 🙂

If you had kids that wanted to try bible journaling, you could get them just the New Testament of this second one to try because it’s only $12! If they really grew into it, you could add the Old Testament later. In fact, you could do that for yourself as well.

I read reviews of both and talked to some ladies that use these bibles. People are complaining that there are lines on the sides for writing notes but in my experience, it’s that way with all journaling bibles. You just ignore the lines and it’s not a big deal. My bible has lines, too. Other people are complaining about small print, but if you print it large and also leave tons of blank space, you’re going to end up with something that belongs on a permanent stand in the library. So… you kinda gotta choose what you’re looking for in a bible. And again, people are complaining about this for BOTH options.

Anywho, I’m super super super excited about this because, well… it’s really really really important to me to keep things real and affordable here for my readers. And up to now, I didn’t feel like Catholics were really being offered a valid choice for bible journaling. So as much as I have loved bible journaling, I really have dealt with guilt posting about it. So now, no more. Expect more bible journaling posts in the future. 😉

More Bible Journaling Resources:

And thanks to the ladies from my Catholic Women’s Bible Journaling facebook group for providing the photos! *muah!*


  1. I just wanted to clarify because I was a bit confused while reading your post, that the Catholic Journaling Bible published by Our Sunday Visitor and Blessed is She is the New American Revised Edition which is copyright under the USCCB and is definitely Church approved!

  2. The Bible from Blessed is She is the NAB Revised which is the same one the USCCB uses.

  3. From the USCCB website:
    Is the New American Bible the only translation of Scriptures we can read from at Mass?
    Since May 19, 2002, the revised Lectionary, based on the New American Bible is the only English-language Lectionary that may be used at Mass in the dioceses of the United States, except for the current Lectionary for Masses with Children which remains in use.

    The 1970 edition of the New American Bible is used in the Scripture readings and canticles of the Liturgy of the Hours (except the Benedictus, Magnificat, and Nunc dimittis.)

  4. Gayle Gray says

    The second bible shown, the one with flowers on the cover, is the one that doesn’t have an approved translation. I have both of them.

  5. The second bible shown, the one with flowers on the cover, is the one that doesn’t have an approved translation. I have both of them.

  6. I didn’t want to run out and buy a new bible for this when i started trying it 6 mths ago, so i do lectio divina with color coded highlighting and a separate book for my not-so-great art. I also do a bit of art on the end pages and Over the expired daily readings in the back. It turned out great and every time i open my bible (which have your ever-so-cute tabs), people are always so enamoured with it that i have to recommend ur site to them so they can try it themselves. I am a youth catechist and DRE at my parish so this happens quite a bit. I appreciate all your bible journaling posts and i am so glad they are here. Journaling bible might be a nice gift but is not at all necessary in the grand scheme of things.

  7. I followed this link from the post you made about children’s Bibles. I was wondering, which journaling Bible did you get for your daughter, Lydia?