Curriculums for a Catholic Homeschool Co-op

It’s that time of year! Sharpen your pencils, dust off your books, and get that homeschool co-op turning again. Last year I wrote a post on how to make a homeschool co-op thrive with tips on organizing a co-op. It’s a good post, but even if you put the effort in to organize a co-op… without good, structured classes, your co-op will turn into a glorified playgroup. Trust me- I’ve seen this. The scramble to throw lesson plans together each week can be exhausting, and why should we all re-create the wheel? I strongly suggest that you find something structured to follow for your co-op classes. Here are some that I like:


Catholic ABC’s

For your preschool class, I recommend my own book, Catholic ABC’s. 😉 Lets face it- every Catholic co-op needs a preschool class because everyone has a lot of little siblings. It’s certainly easier to control a class of preschoolers than it is to keep tabs on a huge group in the nursery. Preschool classes are also a great benefit to our little ones!(Catholic ABC’s provides 2 separate classroom scripts- 1 for co-op classes and 1 to be used at home.)

Catholic ABC's The Book

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

When using Catholic ABC’s, you preschoolers will enjoy circle time, crafts, music, and hands-on learning activities. Each week, there is  a lesson that includes a story, craft, bible verse, and a Saint of the week. Each lesson is based on a letter of the alphabet. The unit studies will follow the Liturgical year. Read more about it and see some sample page layouts here.

What curriculums do you like for co-op classes? Leave us links in the comments! 🙂

You can find the rest of my homeschooling resources for families here.

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  1. Lacy, I would love to order both your ABC Curriculum and Mass Book, but I’m in Canada and the shipping comes up at $24. Could we work something out?