How Are Apples Like The Trinity: An Object Lesson For Kids

The Trinity is a big concept to grasp, and honestly, as humans, I do not believe that our brains are fully capable of understanding it. However, I do believe that God wants us to try, and to teach our children the concept of the Trinity as well as possible. Today, we are going to think about how an apple is like the Trinity

I am always looking to weave the faith into our lives as much as possible here, and so going apple picking is no exception! Generally, me and the kids go apple picking every Fall, and we have a great time!

But I try to never miss an opportunity to discuss the Trinity or other concepts with my kids. So… how is an apple like the Trinity?

The reason why the Trinity is such a hard concept to grasp is because it doesn’t make since logically to our brains. It really is like saying 1+1+1=1. So St. Patrick tried to break this concept down for us by saying that a shamrock is like the Trinity because it has 3 petals, but it’s just one shamrock. However, we can’t be in the mood to talk about shamrocks all year, which is why I have a special post of non-shamrock Trinity resources.

How An Apple Is Like The Trinity: 3 Parts, 1 Apple

  1. The Peel
  2. The Flesh
  3. The Seeds

As I explain in my Trinity children’s book, Teach Catholic Kids About The Trinity, we can use these things to help us think about the Trinity, but none of them are really exactly like the Trinity.

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In my book, I help kids walk through the process of how are these things like the Trinity, and how are they not like the Trinity.

Any apple related activity for kids would be great to pair with this apple object lesson this Fall! You could go apple picking, make an apple craft, cook an apple recipe, or simply slice open an apple, sit down with your kids, and have a little conversation with them.

God bless, and happy apple picking!



  1. I’ve been following your blog for a while and you’re an inspiration.
    In my country we miss this kind of inspiration and I’m sure Catechists would enrich by following your blog and trusting your tips.

  2. Hey! Is that Sky Top orchard in Flat Rock?

    Oh, and thank you for the idea – I find the Trinity really hard to grasp, much less teach. St Patrick’s shamrock has always been my favorite but the apple is great too!

    • Yes, it’s Sky top! 🙂 I’ve been going there since before they had that huge apple.

      • We go every year, too. My kids love the bamboo forest. We live near Brevard and go to Sacred Heart. Neat to see something so local on a blog!

  3. SleepyKnitter says

    When I was five (I’m 42 now), my daddy got down on one knee and explained to me that the Trinity is like an egg with an outer shell, a yolk, and a white, three in one. He also took out three candles and made three flames from one, but I think the egg illustration probably made more sense to me because I knew we could keep splitting the flame indefinitely, but not the egg. I have never forgotten Daddy’s illustrations or even the moment in which he shared them with me, and have thought of them often throughout my life, but at 42 I still feel like I don’t “get it.” I’m a slow learner! 🙂

    • Wow! I’ve never heard that one, and I think it’s even better than the apple thing! Thanks so much for sharing! I’m filing this away in my brain for future reference. 😉

      • This is my 2nd year teaching 2nd graders. I love using these examples of the Trinity for them. They seem to grasp the simple apple and shamrock ideas. This year, I too, will use the egg example. I really like it too. Keep the good ideas coming; they help us teachers and parents too.

  4. So my husband and I have a huge decision to make in the next yr..So I thought I might collect some of your thoughts on this. We plan to make a move…job, house, life. We are currently living in Italy as Americans but will be returning back to the states. Where do you think is a great place to raise your Catholic young families? Interested in your thoughts and opinions. And pray for us that God leads us where he wants us.

    • Well, there definitely tend to be more Catholics in the North than the South, but I’ve actually been surprised at the amazing community we have found in Greenville, SC. We also had a great community in Steubenville, OH, and in Northern Virginia. I know there are TONS of Catholics and a great diocese in Texas as well. So far, everywhere I have lived, I did manage to find young Catholic families. You just have to be willing to be brave when you find them and approach them and introduce yourself. Or in my case, chase them down to their car and give them your email address. 😉

  5. I LOVE the apple idea. I’ve been teaching Sunday School for the last 4 years, and I find the Holy Trinity the hardest to explain. I’ve tried grandparents/parents/kids (3 generations, 1 family), water/steam/ice (all are water just in different forms)… The Apple is a great idea – I’ve already bought the apples to cut up and share with the children!

  6. Regine Atwood says

    Wow, this is an amazing lesson! I love it, thank you!

  7. I like your activity Lacy.