Stations of the Cross Montessori Activity for Catholic Kids

If you’re looking for a Montessori-style, hands-on Catholic preschool curriculum, check out Catholic ABCs!

Yesterday’s stations of the cross eggs have 2 parts for us, even though either activity can stand on its own. My Catholic preschool class has been needing some new Montessori activities to do during the “works” portion of our class, so I put together stations of the cross file folder activity. (I want to go ahead and insert here that while I do love to use “Montessori-type-methods” for educating my children, I don’t actually have any professional training in the area. So when you see “Montessori” stuff on this blog, I’m just doing my best and trying to share it with you.)

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Stations of the Cross Montessori File
This was really easy to put together. Start by printing off 2 matching sets of stations of the cross (unfortunately the ones I used are no longer available for printing from the internet, but you can find some printable stations of the cross here). Glue one set down to your file folder, and cut the other set out like individual cards. I also labeled mine 1-14 so this can be used for number learning as well. (I also labeled the backs of the cards with numbers). Then, laminate your file folder with clear contact paper, and your stations of the cross cards can be laminated with clear packing tape. Shuffle the stations of the cross cards, and have your child match them up to the ones on the file folder.
Matching the Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross Montessori File
Matching the Stations by number
Matching Stations of the Cross Numbers
Also, try pairing them with your Stations of the Cross Eggs!
Just have your kids match your stations of the cross symbols to the corresponding station.
Stations of the Cross Symbol Matching
Here’s the front
Stations of the Cross File Folder
On the back I taped on a baggie to hold the cards.
Stations of the Cross File Folder
I think this would be a great take-along activity for kids during the stations of the cross at your church. My 5-year-old is totally familiar with all the stations now! I’m working on it with my 2-year-old. 😉
Catholic ABCs Curriculum
You’ll find all of my Lenten resources for kids here
More Lenten Resources for Kids


  1. Jennifer Gregory Miller says

    I'm bummed that not being on Facebook means I can't win. ;-(

    Thanks for the mention.

    There are a few options for images for Stations at this site:

  2. Susana of Montessori Candy says

    Great idea Lacy. Thanks! I'd like to try this using library pockets with sticky backs. Maybe glue the original card to the front of the library pocket and then have the children put the matching card inside of the pocket. I love your suggestion for taking this along for Stations of the Cross!

  3. ugh! can't enter as i am not on face book!

    thanks for the great stations activity! The little ones are very interested in them at the moment so i think i will make a set asap!

  4. Samantha Lehmann says

    My kids r 9. 7, and 4. Our trinkets didn't fit inside the eggs. Our Dollar Trees didn't have anything religious, so printed online and glued them to the back of the empty carton – same colors of paint in the bottom, folded pics over and put sticker with Station # on the back – so a two way game – match station # to heart with writing, then match the trinket. Much quieter in our parish. Thanks for the impetus…


  5. Hi Lacy~ I have enjoyed these last 2 Stations of the Cross posts~Great thinking!

  6. Deb Chitwood says

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful hands-on Stations of the Cross activities! I featured your activities at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at

  7. Anonymous says

    WOW. I just came across your blog by googling Lenten crafts and love your ideas! Trying to come up with something for my son's preschool co-op class this week. Wishing I could somehow get already colored pics of each station for that folder activity. They are mostly 3 & 4 yr olds, so thinking they might not color too well and it may take too long? Any suggestions?

  8. Lacy @ Catholic Icing says

    I'd suggest the cards that Jenn made for putting on a ring, and you can totally print them in color. 🙂

  9. Christine Falk Dalessio says

    What great ideas! I can't wait to share them with my mom for the grandkids. Thanks for sharing new hands-on ways to approach Lent.

  10. I love all of these ideas! A mom at our homeschool preK club brought the stations of the cross images for the children to glue onto construction paper and be laminated. Then she had the children decorate purple bags to keep the symbols in. The kids decorated the bags with religious stickers and a foam cross. My son loves pulling each item out of the bag and matching it to the correct station. We asked her where she got the idea and she pointed us here to your blog. Such wonderful ideas!

  11. HI! I just wanted you to know that I recently found your website and I just love it! I wish we had had something like this when my boys were younger! I am able to use these ideas with my CCD class, however, and am so thankful for such fun, easy, and creative ways to reinforce what we have learned! I tell my church family and friends about this site as often as I can! Currently, we are making the Lenten Countdown Calendar, Stations of the Cross eggs, file folder game, and booklet in/for class, and making the Mardi Gras Pretzels and Valentine Cinnamon Rolls and Drink at home!! 🙂 Good Luck to you as you keep up the Good Work! Looking forward to it all!

  12. Wow!!! I stumbled upon your blog by looking for something to do with empty tissue boxes. I was so excited by your “He has risen” craft idea. I am a Catholic homeschooling mom and your arts and crafts fit just what I was looking for. Thanks for all the great ideas!!! 🙂

  13. Thank you so much for sharing all the great posts! We have a Catholic Identity Committee at my kids’ Catholic school, and I am able to share many of your ideas with whole classrooms at a time. We recently did the Horton elephant handprint craft with the Kindergarten. We read the story and got a set of unborn baby dolls from our diocesan pro-life office and used them to explain to the children how “a person is a person no matter how small”. The kids LOVED it! We took your idea and added a bit to it and taught the children a wonderful message. God bless you for your site, Lacy.