How to Make a Nun Costume

That’s right- a no-sew, no-fuss, super easy nun costume. Most of you can probably put this together with stuff you already have at home. You can find all of my All Saints’ Day resources for kids here.

DIY Nun Costume

Also, you should totally check out my All Saints’ Day food labels! This is the perfect All Saints’ Day party printable as it turns everyday kid snacks into symbols of the Saints, making celebrating a breeze for mom!

All Saints' Day Party Printable


What you need to make an easy nun costume:

  • Graduation gown (or plain black dress)
  • White t-shirt
  • Black fabric or black T-shirt

Start with an old graduation gown. If you don’t have one, you can probably get one pretty cheap at a thrift store. I’m pretty lucky that my husband graduated from Franciscan, so his was black. However, if your graduation robe is a different color, do a quick Google image search to see if nuns come in that color- chances are there’s an order somewhere that does! Then put on a white T-shirt- but not all the way. Put your face through, but don’t pull it all the way over your head. Like so:

DIY Nun Costume

Then throw the sleeves behind your shoulders. Nothing too hard here. You can even see that the shirt I’m using has a small logo on it- whatever!

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DIY Nun Costume

Then throw a piece of black fabric on top. I didn’t have any black fabric, so I folded a black t-shirt in half long ways and it worked just fine. Attach with bobby pins for extra wearability.

Then hold a rosary and try to look really “holy”. 🙂
DIY Nun Costume
And because I’m not really that cute, check out this picture!
DIY Nun Costume for Babies
The baby on the left (a baby friend of ours) has a costume made with a very similar technique, and Violet on the right (My little sweetheart) is wearing a nun costume that I already posted directions for.
This post might seem a bit random to you today (given that it’s not currently Halloween, All Saint’s Day, or any other day of which you think you would need a costume… YET!) But tomorrow, “N is for Nun” and you just might find this post a little more handy. I know I will! 🙂

If you are looking for ideas for All Saints’ Day costume ideas for kids, be sure to check out my Saint Costume Directory!

Saint Costume Directory

Check out my All Saints’ Day Resource Page here.

The Ultimate All Saints' Day List


  1. Rachel Le Grand says

    great idea !

  2. this is great! what about ideas for bishop or priest costumes?
    (I am so not clever or crafty.)

    • i made my husband a priest. I went to the thrift shop and bought a pair of black pants, a black button down dress shirt and a white long sleeve shirt. by adjusting the collar just so it looks like he is wearing a priest’s collar. So simple!

  3. Absolutely adorable! Thank you for sharing! I stumbled upon your blog a while back and have loved it ever since! Thank you for all the wonderful activities and ideas.

  4. Thank you for this posting. It really helped me out sooo much!!! After a week of worrying I had to hit my forhead at how simple it is.

  5. Thanks so much for posting this. My kids are begging for good All Saints Day costumes and I was not looking forward to a whole day of sewing. Your white shirt idea is going to save me. Thanks again!

  6. This is so great! I bought a graduation gown, a piece of black material and white material at the thrift shop. I couldn’t figure out how to make the white look right and I am NOT a sewer! I found your directions and I am so excited now. My husband happened to be wearing a white t shirt so i made him give me the shirt off his back to try this!

  7. sheri steele says

    thank you,this is very helpful!

  8. Thank you for the great idea of using a white tshirt for the guimpe! I love it and the baggy-ness of it will work perfectly for my daughter’s All Saint’s Day costume – St. Veronica Giuliani.

  9. This is great! I am trying to figure how to make a costume for my daughter. Thanks!

  10. Seriously, you saved me so much money!!! So simple and creative! Thanks for sharing!