First Commuion Cakes and Food Ideas

Check out all of my First Communion Resources for Kids here.

Alright, I’m not saying that I could pull off making any of these cakes, but I do love them! And maybe some of you are better bakers than I am 😉 Plus, everyone loves a little eye candy to feast on, right? I’m also including some other reception food ideas after the cakes, because dessert should come first! Or maybe that’s just the pregnant lady inside of me talking… 😉

Make some beautiful first communion cupcakes
with Bakerella.
Chocolate cupcakes with brown, pink, and white frosting and pink and brown crosses on top
Here is a set of free First Communion Cupcake Toppers from Real Life at Home.
First Communion Cupcake Toppers

Another amazing cake. I love the stained glass on this one!

White cake with first communion and stained glass toppers

The rosary on this cake is adorable.

White cake with pink frosting reading "on your first holy communion Nicole"
Here’s a georgeous cake from Delictble Eatables.
White cake with grape, chalice, and bread toppers


I love this idea for a first communion dress cake!
Perhaps with a younger looking doll…
Barbie doll dress cake in a first communion dress


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Look at this cute “Welcome Jesus” cake from
Memories of a Catholic Wife and Mother.
White cake with red frosting reading "welcome Jesus"
Here is a Risen Jesus at the Tomb First Communion Cake
from Real Life at Home

Empty Tomb and Risen Jesus First Communion Cake

I think it would be really cute at a first communion
party to fill plastic wine cups from the Dollar Tree
with red jello as “wine”. Here are some directions,
but you obviously need to forgo the garnishes.
Red gelatin in plastic cups with blueberries and whipped cream


Make this loaf of grape bread with
Once Upon a Plate.
Bread made into the shape of a bunch of grapes
I think these easy grape pops would be an
adorable addition to first communion food.
Red and white grapes on skewers


from Pinewood Castle!
Waffles with frosting on top in a cross shape

Check out all of my First Communion Resources for Kids here.

Picture Book of the Mass


  1. Melissa from MN says

    I've done literally hours of 1st Communion Cake research. I had it all planned out to be made by a local specialty cake baker. [I've also been watching TLC's Cake Boss a lot.] But when I figured out most attending the party won't or can't eat cake – I decided to try making it myself… thinking I'd save money!

    I wanted something VERY special, not just a plain box cake or cheapo from Sams Club. I've made some test cakes and came up with my favorite recipes (which you can see on my blogs.) But since I've never done this before, I spent more on supplies than to have it made, yet now I can make cakes for any occasion!

    This is a great post idea. My daughter makes her 1st Comm on Sunday, so not much time for changes. But I'm considering now posting my research! And I completely forgot about the breakfast idea Pinewood Castle had until you posted it! THANKS FOR THE REMINDER!

    Also, be sure to visit my blog for Holy Week to try my sweet Communion Bread recipe which would be great for this occasion!

  2. I love the first idea, but I came up with a variation that you could do with it. If you only wanted to make one and put it on top of a cake, like the third one in your post, you could take a picture of the child who will be making her first communion and glue a picture of her head and arms onto the little dress. My daughter's class has done things like that in the past and they always come out cute. You could even glue a little tulle onto the head to make a veil.

  3. I did this one for my daughter, and it was really simple. Just find a pattern you like, cut the pieces from fondant, and place them on top of your cake like puzzle pieces! 🙂

  4. Lacy @ Catholic Icing says

    I have such creative readers! I love all of your ideas for decorating first communion cakes. 😀 Keep sharing!

  5. Michelle Whitlow says

    LOVE all of those ideas. Thank you for sharing!!! My daughter is celebrating her first communion in just 3 short weeks. Seems like she was just baptized!! I've been trying to figure out the menu. I want to keep it light since I live in the south and it's already warm out. I also wanted to do a dessert bar but wanted to make it girly along with obviously tying in to the religious aspect.

  6. CindyO the Catholic Mommy says

    I just started selling Pampered Chef products, and if you'd like to make the doll cake, they suggest using the large batter bowl. If you'd like to order, I'm currently hosting an on-line party for a few more days. There are also a lot of neat baking tools that we sell. Here's my website if anyone's interested. Just make sure if you're not in my area to get the products shipped to you!

  7. I agree with you about the barbie doll. Seems like they should have used a younger looking child. That actually looks like one that could be duplicated.

  8. Christine says

    Dear Lacy,

    I am humbled by the fact that you shared my amateur cake. Thank you for doing so and for sharing your research on First Communion cakes. I know where to come for cake ideas, when my next child is preparing for First Holy Communion.

  9. Angie @ Many Little Blessings says

    Oh my goodness! I love the Barbie cake idea!

    We've done two First Communion parties, but they've both been for boys. I'm psyched that our next one (in a couple of years) will be for a girl. 🙂

  10. Fruitful Harvest says

    Great post!

    You sound like me in the cake department….I don't really bake to much and cake decorating well…hummmmm? LOL
    (fondent tastes terrible anyway!)

    The other Communion ideas are more my speed! The grape bread…the jello wine glasses and the waffles!

    Thanks for the inspriation!
    My son makes his Communion in 6 days!

    Warmest Blessings,

  11. Mari @ Once Upon a Plate says

    Hi Lacy!

    These are really nice selections you've chosen, and thank you for featuring my grape shaped bread! What a nice surprise. :0)

    Cheers! ~ Mari

  12. First Communion Supplies says

    I love the cookies, the cakes are so lovely as well. You surely have the best and memorable holy day.

  13. Very nice inspiration. Thank you.

  14. Excellent ideas for first communion treats. I especially like the first communion dresses favors