6 Ways to Pass on the Catholic Faith to Your Children

How do we pass on the Catholic faith to our kids? This is what we all want, right? Keep them Catholic? To raise little saints? But the really big question is, how do we accomplish that?

passing on the catholic faith to your children

Boy, if I had the foolproof way to answer these questions, I’d be the smartest person in the world.

All we can do is our best. After all, God gave all of us free will, and our children will have to choose God for themselves freely. If  you wanted to say that Adam and Eve had “parents”, it would be God. God was the perfect parent to them, providing everything they needed, loving them, and nurturing them flawlessly. Yet, Adam and Eve still messed up, didn’t they? While keeping that in mind, we still want to do the best that we can.

Here are the ways I am working on passing on the Catholic faith to my kids.

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  1. Teach them the basics. Your kids need to have an understanding of the basics from a young age. Basics such as understanding (as much as they can) the Trinity, the True Presence in the Eucharist, why we have Saints, what the Mass is all about, and the amazing blessing the Bible is to all Christians! Understanding these basic principles is going to help in the future lessons we teach them so they can have a greater understanding of everything later on.
  2. Saturate the home. Fill your home with prayers, love, Christian virtues, and yes, even statues, pictures, medals, and other reminders of our religious heroes. These things can’t just exist at church, they need to be in the home.
  3. Make religion relatable and engaging for children. Meet them at their own level! For me, I have used a lot of crafts, activities, and songs to reach my children with the word of God at their own level. Now that my kids are getting a bit older, we’re having more discussions, starting prayer journals, and reading more books.
  4. Make sure they really get a good Catholic education. This education can’t come from 1 hour of CCD per week! It’s not enough. It has to come from you, the parent.
  5. Weave the faith into your Life. Do not let the faith be like a puzzle piece in your life that could be plucked out and tossed aside. The faith should be so interwoven into your life that if you tried to remove it, you wouldn’t even know where to start, and if you succeeded in removing it, the whole masterpiece would be destroyed.
  6. Lead by example. The whole do-what-I-say-and-not-what-I-do thing? Ya, that’s not gunna cut it.

I have more coming in this series of “Passing on the Catholic Faith to Your Children” soon, where we will have time to talk about some of these things in more detail. How about you- what are your efforts for passing on the Catholic faith to your children?

Find the entire Passing On The Faith Series here


  1. Tracy Bua Smith says

    Hi Lacy,

    Great post! I’m constantly trying to find the best ways to consistently pass on our beautiful faith to our 4 children (with Baby #5 due on Aug. 3, 2013!). I’ve really enjoyed passing on our faith through reading more about the saints’ incredible and inspiring lives! There is so much to learn from all these holy men, women, and children! I’ve done daily reading of the saints’ lives for some years now using the Saints for Young Readers for Everyday, Vol. I and II, through Pauline Books and Media. Love these books! Here’s a link to a post I did about them with links on my personal blog: http://asliceofsmithlife.blogspot.com/2010/11/recommendation-for-great-saint-books.html

    God bless!
    Tracy Bua Smith

  2. GREAT POST!!!!! Excited to hear your ideas!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Lacy! Thank you so much for these great tips! They are really helpful. It was difficult for me to pass the faith to my kids before but thanks to this, I know it’ll be a lot easier. I’m sure a lot of moms will also find this article helpful. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  4. Great tips! My mom is the DRE and tells parents these things ALL.THE.TIME!! It’s so true if kids don’t see you being a good catholic why should they try?

  5. Rita m Becnel says

    Hi lacy
    Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration on your web site! It brings so much hope and joy! God bless you!

  6. I am so thankful for all of the ideas and sensible information.
    Can we get examples of successful parents? Parents of adult children practicing the Catholic faith? If not, we are all floating together with no real rutter!
    Thank you for all that you post.

    • I know a lot of people with adult Catholics and some of them have remained Catholic and some of them have not. Here is what I’m sure of. Even if a child comes from the PERFECT parent, the kids are not guaranteed to stay Catholic. Living proof is that God was for all practical purposes the “parent” of Adam and Eve, and they still fell. We can only do what we can do, and in the end they will live their lives. But we will always know that we gave them the tools and the knowledge that it was our responsibility to provide, and we will rest assured in that. I hope this comment was helpful.