Stations of the Cross CD for Kids

I have been meaning to type up a post about this CD for years, so here goes! This Stations of the Cross CD from Holy Heroes is fantastic! I think every Catholic family with kids should have a copy. In fact, I think it’s good even if you don’t have kids. 🙂

Stations of the cross cd for kids.

This goes through all the Stations, and is extremely professional and well done! You can hear all the sounds in the background, such as horses and the crowd shouting. I love this because it helps you visualize what’s going on, but I love that it’s not a movie because it’s not “overly visual” for kids. You just hear the sound of a cracking whip, and your imagination takes over the rest.

We love to play this during Lent, and I would strongly recommend you order one for your kids this year. I have (and love) many CDs from Holy Heroes, but this one is my absolute favorite.

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I used this CD in my preschool class when we made our Stations of the Cross eggs, and we listen to it all the time during Lent. Sometimes we put it on in the van, but we also listen to it at home while we clean.

Order your Stations of the Cross CD here. Then tell them Lacy sent you. 😉

You’ll find all of my Lenten resources for kids here
Lenten resources for kids.

Disclaimer: Holy Heroes is a sponsor of Catholic Icing, but this post was written because I wanted to share this resource with you. In fact, I didn’t even tell Holy Heroes I was writing it. These opinions are my own, and I would never recommend you to buy something unless I recommend it word-of-mouth to my own friends, and would be willing to spend my own money on it.


  1. Thanks for the info. I have been thinking of buying a Stations of the Cross CD, so maybe this will be the one. I have a question though. Do you by any chance have the Glory Story for Blessed Miguel Pro? I am wondering how dramatic this is compared to that? My 8 year old son is very sensitive and was quite shaken by that story. We were all surprised by actual sounds of guns shooting at the end of that story. Although I know that my children need to understand the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, I’m not sure we’re ready for anything too dramatic.

    Do you have any recommendation for a CD for kids that is not dramatized with background sounds at all, but is just talking?


    • I love this for my kids, and it seems entirely appropriate for children of all ages for me. However, only you can know your own child and what would be good for them.

  2. Hi Lacy,
    I also love this CD and recommend all parish Religious Ed programs to have it.
    I am the DRE at my parish, and we do an annual Family Stations of the Cross.
    I pop this CD into the parish sound system to guide us thru the Stations.
    It’s a great introduction to the Stations for kids, but is not watered down.
    I agree, parents get just as much out of this CD as kids.

    • Me again…
      I also forgot to mention that we made the beautiful Candle Stations of the Cross for home use,
      and we printed the stations printable on bright purple paper.
      I love purple, too.
      They turned out beautifully, and are a part of our home Lenten display.
      We also use the Stations CD while using the Candle Stations at home after dark.
      Each time a Station ends, we blow out a candle.
      We don’t light candles 13 & 14, so that when we blow out Candle 12 (Jesus Dies on the Cross),
      the family can really “experience” the darkness in the world.

  3. What age group would you say this is for? My oldest is three.

  4. Patty Wardle says

    I bought this CD for our Religious Education Program when I was in charge of it. I thought it was a great teaching tool for the younger children. I was pleased with the CD and recommend it also.