Pro Life Craft for Kids

Here are some ideas for some religious fun you can have in the snow!The anniversary for Roe v. Wade and the national march for life are coming up at the end of this month, so I wanted to spend some time bringing you pro life content. After spending much time searching the internet for pro life activities and crafts to do with children, I discovered one of 2 things. A- there aren’t any. Or B- they’re impossible to find. So I’ve been working to get some pro life activities out there for all of you!

The first is a craft my daughter and I did making pro life signs. Not only are these a fun activity, but you can use them as diy protest signs for a pro life march as well! 🙂

For this craft, you will need:

  • Paper
  • Markers
  • Paint and/or Ink for stamping

Painted sign with pink and blue foot prints that say Choose Life
For starters, I’m going to show you how to make tiny baby foot prints with your hand. Start by making a fist and dipping the pinkie side of your hand into the paint. Use this to print the main part of the foot like so:

Side of hand painted pink
Add the tiny toe prints with your little finger, and voila!
A baby footprint!
Blue painted finger finishing sign
Add pro life phrases using paint or markers.Pink foot print sign saying "Marching for Life!"
Blue Footprint Pro Life sign

As long as your hands are already covered in paint, you might as well make some hand print signs as well.

Here are some handprint Hortons we made from
Horton Hears a Who with the famous pro life quote-
“A person’s a person, no matter how small”.
Handprint elephat, "A person's a person no matter how small!"
We made the pink clovers with a fingerprint.Large hand Elephant, "A person's a person no matter how small!"For anyone who doesn’t know about ‘Horton Hears a Who’
and where this children’s book fits into the pro life cause, check out this link.

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

More handprint signs:Handprint sign, "We Babies!"
Handprint sign, "Hand babies a chance!"
Give us a hand and take a stand!
Hand print pro life sign, from conception to natural death

If you have any more ideas for clever things to write on the hand and footprint signs, leave it in the comments! Also leave us a link if you’ve done some pro life stuff with your kids so we can all go see 🙂

More Catholic Resources For January

You can find more Saint feast days and fun ways to living the liturgical year in January here.

January Feast Day Resources

Check out my new printable liturgical calendar for Catholics! This includes all your major feast days and liturgical seasons along with holy days of obligation, solemnities, liturgical colors, well known Saint feast days, and more! This easy to use and beautiful calendar will be your best friend when planning out your liturgical year at home. There is both a free option and a paid option for downloading this liturgical calendar, so click here to find your options for downloading your own liturgical calendar

Liturgical Calendar for Catholics


  1. Allie Bruski says

    You are so cool for posting these! youre right, no one else has anything! Way to go! My preschooler and I are going to march in our kitchen today. I am a Christian. Hope you get to march sometime. Really, thanks again!!!

  2. Thank you so much for posting! I’ve been looking for some ideas on how to involve my 3-year-old without much luck. This site has GREAT ideas. THANK YOU!

  3. artsy_momma says

    These are great! I pinned every single one of them 🙂

  4. wonderful ideas for kids

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your pro-life ideas! I’m starting up a youth pro-life club at my sons’ parochial school (for grades K-8) & I can’t wait to see how the kids enjoy these! One activity we did at our 1st meeting was to make collages, using old magazines, construction paper, & glue sticks, of all the different kinds of life, human & animal, that we are so grateful for in our world. We discussed all the different stages of life and why God has blessed us with life.

    • Tammie Romberg says

      Wow, what great ideas! Just thinking more about a pro-life club too. What are some other things you’ve done each time you meet? How often do you meet? Thanks again for the inspiration!