Printable Our Lady Of Kibeho Coloring Page And Craft

Every year on November 28 is the feast of Our Lady of Kibeho. This is the very first (and currently only) Vatican-approved Marian apparition from the entire continent of Africa! November is also black Catholic History awareness month, so it’s perfect timing that this feast day falls during November. Today I’m going to share with you a brand new printable Our Lady of Kibeho coloring page and craft for kids that is fun and easy to put together and makes a great table decoration when you’re finished. 

Our Lady Of Kibeho Quick Facts

It’s always easier to plan out your feast day celebrations when you understand the highlights of the story, so let’s take a look at the story of Our Lady Of Kibeho in a nutshell. 

  • Feast day November 28
  • Apparition in Kibeho, Rwanda (Africa) 
  • She appeared to many school girls, starting with Alphonsine Mumureke (16 year old student at a Roman Catholic school) 
  • Lady was dressed in luminous white
  • Jesus also appeared saying “I am neither white nor black; I am simply Lord.”
  • Jesus also said that the end of the world is near, and “You will know my Second Coming is at hand when you see the outbreak of religious, ethnic or racial wars.”
  • Large crowds of people would gather to watch the ecstasies of the seers 
  • Observers burned the seers and pricked them with knives during their visions, but they were unresponsive 
  • The sky changed in color during the visions, the sun spun with blue and red, and the stars turned into luminous crosses
  • Our Lady of Kibeho also made it rain on areas with extreme drought
  • The seers were warned to leave Rwanda to escape a massacre
  • Massacres in Rwanda began 3 years later

Ok, I think we are ready to celebrate this very beautiful and inspiring Mary apparition! 

“I am the mother of the word.” -Our Lady Of Kibeho

This download comes with Mary in both black and white (to color on your own) and in full color. I also have it included in the pack as a regular coloring page if you don’t want to make the stand up statue craft.

If you print it on card stock it will be sturdier, but it works with paper as well.

Supplies Needed For Printable Our Lady Of Kibeho Craft:

  • Our Lady Of Kibeho download (grab yours here)
  • Paper or card stock
  • Crayons (or whatever you want to color with)
  • Tape, glue, or a stapler (to connect the loop in the back)

My girls enjoyed coloring their very own Our Lady Of Kibeho statues!

I told them they could use whatever colors they wanted, but they wanted to match the colors of the actual apparition in Kibeho. All the flowers on this one made it extra fun to color! 

These came out so cute and colorful! I absolutely love them!

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“I love you, I love you, I love you very much. Never forget the love I have coming for you.” – Our Lady Of Kibeho

After you color your printable Mary statue, you need to cut it out around the outside. 

The strip at the bottom rolls into a circle shape. You can connect it in the back with either tape, a staple, or a little bit of glue. We like to use staples.

Now your printable Our Lady Of Kibeho statue can stand up all on her own!!!

And the coloring page is really fun as well!

Get The Our Lady Of Kibeho Statue Printable

This entire Our Lady Of Kibeho pack is available in the Catholic Icing shop for only a couple of dollars! It includes the coloring page and the stand-up printable statue in both black and white AND in color. Grab your download now

“We must dedicate ourselves to prayer. We must develop in us the virtues of charity, availability and humility.” – Our Lady Of Kibeho