It seems to be quite a popular idea to make a dragon cake to celebrate St. George’s feast day with kids! What a fun idea 🙂 In the Catholic church, St. George’s feast day is April 23, so you have 1 week to make your plans and pick up supplies for your fire breathing cake! You can find all of my resources for living the liturgical year in April here. Now let’s take a look at these dragon cakes for St. George!
I love these “swords” for slaying!!! 🙂
with a bubble tape tongue 😛
Green Dragon Cake With Bubble Gape Tongue
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If you make a dragon cake for St. George’s day (or already have a post about one I missed) leave the link in the comments! I will keep adding pictures 🙂 How much fun to see everyone’s cakes!
These cakes are sooo awesome! I really like the idea of the "swords". How creative!
Once again, the creativity of others impresses! What a fun way to introduce St. George to kids!
Now, Lacy, you had to do some major research to find that cake!!! (I had a broken leg last year and don't think we did it then, so that's from 2 years ago!)
My kiddos are excited to do another one!!
My children LOVE the dragon cake AND the swords and are SO THANKFUL to Charlotte (Waltzing Matilda) for the inspiration to add this to our family traditions! Her creativity never ceases to amaze me! I never would have attempted making a cake like this without her encouragement (back then Family Fun didn't have a tutorial yet) and I NEVER would have thought to use foil to make swords out of butter knives had she not shared that with us all!
My children are already looking forward to St. George's Day and this year's dragon cake!
Oh! We are planning on posting a linky on April 24th at Catholic Cuisine for anyone who would like to share their cakes from this year!
I was definitely planning to make a dragon cake and now this post has sealed the deal! ALL of the ones featured are BEAUTIFUL and so cute! Thanks so much for the ideas! I am really becoming a better Catholic mom from your blog!
My kids are looking forward to a new dragon this year. All of the easter candy is gone, so new ideas will have to be used to create one this year. Thanks for sharing! I love all of these!!
I'm thinking of Dragon Brownies to share with our Homeschool friends on a fiels trip next Friday…my little guy (George) will be 5 months on the 25th so it would be really cute!
Oh my gosh. These are just too, too adorable.Makes me wish my kids were little again. I feel the urge to just make one! Hmm. Who has little kids or grandkids? Hmm.
Agreed! We love Charlotte and her inspiration for passing along not only the inspiration to make this cake, but also the tutorial with how to cut it up. Our children LOVE the dragon cake, so much so, we used it again for a birthday cake with a few boys attending who also asked their mothers to make them one for their own birthdays in the future. Thanks Charlotte! 🙂
My son and I made a dragon cake today and it was a DISASTER! lol. I wrote all about it on my blog:
I added a bubble tape tongue!
Just wanted to let you know that we made a dragon cake this year and it turned out wonderfully. Thanks for the ideas.
We made some "Slain Dragon Brownies", but we will bake a dragon cake next year!