40 Bags In 40 Days- What It Looks Like In My Home

This year, I jumped on board with 40 bags in 40 days and I am so glad that I did! I’m only 5 days in right now, but I can tell already that this project is going to be a huge blessing to my home! You know all those little things you never get around to because you’re already up to your elbows in dishes and laundry? Well, now is the time ladies, and it’s not too late to get started! 🙂

40 bags in 40 days- the why and the how to w

I’ve been sharing my daily progress on my instagram and facebook pages, but have decided to also post weekly updates here. Many of you have reached out to let me know that you have been inspired by my progress, and I have been inspired by yours as well! If you’re wanting to join in, don’t forget to use hashtag: #40bagsin40days 🙂

On the first day, I cleaned out my van. I knew it needed to be done first, quite frankly, because the mess was starting to avalanche out when the kids climbed in and out of the door. 😛

day 1 b

Lacy’s quick tip for van cleaning: When you have all the stuff out of if, open all the doors and use your handy-dandy leaf blower to take care of the crumbs. Soooo much faster and easier than vacuuming!

Next, I re-organized the panty. This was also a project that was crying out to be taken care of! We have several cabinets that the groceries were just being shoved into each week, and it had become a huge hindrance for meal planning. Do we have tomato sauce? Gee, I don’t know… let me check all 18 cabinets and get back with you. Sheesh!

day 2 b

Again, this is something I’ve know for quite a while needed to be tackled, but without the motivation of a specific project, it just wasn’t getting done. And finally, I found the sources of our moth problem. Yay!

Lacy’s quick tip for pantry organizing: Always always label your shelves! My last pantry had labeled shelves, and it made a world of difference! This one got out of control because it didn’t. But now it does. 🙂 And that’s important when you have 6+ people poking around in there on a daily basis.

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On day 3, I decided to tackle the junk drawer. This is another space that I use daily, yet I had let even opening and closing this drawer become cumbersome. Why did I let it get this way? (Hmmm… maybe homeschooling, business stuff, raising 4 kids, and keeping the regular house did hinder me a bit…) 😉

day 3

Lacy’s quick tip for organizing drawers: Drawer organizers are totally worth the money!

On day 4, we had a crazy day, AND we had people over, AND we had been sick. This is NOT the kind of day I would have ever chosen to organize or purge… but I made a commitment. I wondered what I could handle tackling. Then I realized that we hadn’t even been able to close the “plastic stuff” drawer this week, and it was driving me batty! This project took only a few minutes, and look at the difference!

day 4

Lacy’s quick tip: Re-think the way you do things to find the root of the problem. My kids get into this drawer daily for cups, yet this drawer was overflowing with water bottles that we don’t use that often, and this made the drawer very cluttered! So I found a new place to store the water bottles, and got rid of all the ones that were missing their lids. That way, there’s plenty of room in the drawer for the kid dishes, even when they’re not properly stacked (which they won’t be the very first time the kids unload the dishwasher.) 😉

How about you- how’s your progress? Share in the comments. 🙂

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  1. Lacey,
    Your before/after pictures are inspiring! I just went through the section where the kids plastic stuff is too and organizing it brings me peace! Next… organizing the kids out-grown clothing and organizing them by size for future kiddos. Wish me luck!

  2. I have started my project a day during Lent but now I am adding 40 bags for Kent. I love this and focusing on only needing to accomplish one item a day takes the overwhelming feeling away. With four kids too, I am so glad you post pictures I can completely relate to!

  3. for water bottles we use a over the door shoe organizer…and for the kid cups we put a sock organizer (the crisscross looking kind-http://www.amazon.com/Honey-Can-Do-SFT-01625-Drawer-Organizer-32-Compartment/dp/B003XAMI72/ref=sr_1_2?s=arts-crafts&rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1455633436&sr=1-2&keywords=sock+organizer&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011) and sit the cups in them. Our pull out drawer is tall enough for them to stand up.

  4. Oh thank you! I’m not as methodical as you – I tend to ping-pong ball all over – but your pictures are helping me focus! I’m actually up, showered and dressed – and I’ll make 8 o’clock Mass this morning (a goal that I’ve achieved so far… on Ash Wednesday, the day after and this morning! – there’s hope!).

    May you and yours be abundantly blessed this Lenten Season!

  5. I’m going strong, nine days in and more than nine bags to donate and/or to trash. I’ve organized junk drawers, kids shelves, my bedroom dresser, outgrown or unworn clothes, shoes and more. This challenge fits nicely with the Lenten commitments of prayer, sacrifice, fasting and alms giving. I owe my success to prayer.

  6. Teri vanderpool says

    As soon as I saw this, I knew it was for me. So far we’ve cleaned out 12 “things”. And have gotten rid of 41 bags or items! (One was a piece of furniture) This has been fun and very productive.