A Picture Book of the Mass Gets a Facelift

I am very excited to announce that A Picture Book of the Mass was updated just a little with my latest printing! I commissioned some artwork for new sit, stand, and kneel symbols.

Angel kneeling holding a sign that reads "kneel".

Angel sitting holding a sign that reads "sit".

Angel standing holding a sign that reads "stand".

Aren’t they awesome?! They are by Bernadette Dubois. If you’re looking for a Catholic freelance artist, you can email her at Dubois {at} temple {dot} edu. I couldn’t be happier with this project! They’re a serious upgrade from my other sit, stand, and kneel symbols.

Kneeling person with praying hands. Sitting person. Standing person







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If you have any projects you’d like to use my blue guys for, go ahead. It was really annoying when I was looking for symbols that I had to create my own, so now there are free sit, stand, and kneel symbols online for everyone to use. I have my angels now, so I don’t need these blue guys anymore. 🙂

I’m already out of the blue guy booklets, so if you order A Picture Book of the Mass now, you’ll get the new ones.

A picture book of the mass booklet on a blue background.

I still use my Mass book every week. I love keeping up with the Mass, the beautiful paintings serve as a meditation tool to keep my mind where it should be, and I love being more “in tune” with things, such as the fact that we don’t sing the Gloria during Lent or Advent.

My kids also routinely “read” these during Mass, and Lydia is starting to actually read along with the Mass in these. She is 6. Here are some more pictures with the new symbols.

Introductory page from a picture book of the mass on a blue background.

Beautiful picture mass book on a blue background.

Liturgy of the word page in the picture book of the mass booklet on a blue background.

These children’s Mass missals are $7 for 1 or 5 for $25. These are great for converts, First Communion presents, and Easter baskets! You can read more about these here, and order them here. Also, you can read the review of them at the National Catholic Register.

So excited about these new symbols! It’s the little things. 🙂


  1. I love this Mass book. My son, almost 6yrs, used it for the first time this week. He was very focused on which page we were on and what those little blue guys were doing. He is rather short and up to this point he has stood on the kneeler during Consecration in order to see, but not this week. He was kneeling, with his head sticking out of the pew looking down the center isle. It was very cute.

  2. I LOVE these. I will be ordering several for my kids and for our Sunday school kids.

  3. Lacy, I love your Mass book and have written a post for my local yahoogroup touting it. I will try to forward that to you. Have you ever considered offering a second version with a more “adult-looking” cover design? The current one looks most appealing to young children. Just a thought.

  4. We love our Mass books! My kids, 7, 5, 4, “read” along every week. We finally wore one of our copies out. This morning at Mass the cover fell off! Good thing I bought extras!

  5. Oh I wish we had this for Byzantine Catholics! My nephew has just started going to mass and he needs something to focus on!

  6. perhaps silly question, but does this version use the new order of the Mass?

  7. Are your mass books based on the new mass with the change of words in the prayers? I’m having such a tough time finding a mass book that is based on the new mass.

  8. Susan McCune says

    The Churches in our county in Ohio are going to have a display and give aways at the fair . Is there anything that you can suggest for the children. Hopefully free, because we want to give out alot. Thank You, Susie

    • Can’t think of anything like that. Maybe you could find something you could print? Like a coloring page?

  9. Lacy, do your books tell why certain things are done? I have a son with Asperger’s Syndrome (autism) and he’s always asking me why do we do this or that. Or says, “I don’t understand what’s going on.” I’ve tried to tell him as much as I can but am hoping a children’s book of some sort would be better. Could you recommend a book?

    Thank you!

    • hmmmm… it does tell what’s going on, but it doesn’t tell why. However, it does have pictures of what’s going on. For instance, a picture of Jesus coming in on Palm Sunday on the donkey with “Hosanna in the Highest” because that’s when we were saying that. So if you think it would help to associate images with parts of the Mass, this might be a good resource for you.

      • Thanks Lacy!
        I did go ahead and order the 5 pack for my kids and a friend’s too :-). I’ll just have to keep looking for the ‘whys’.

        Thanks again!

  10. Ana Castillo says

    I love this Mass booklet. My question is, have thought about making one in Spanish. I teach an RCIA bilingual class and it would be awesome if there was on in Spanish or even better Bilingual

    • Yes, I have considered it, but it’s hard because Spanish is so different everywhere and the Mass differs from country to country. I have always thought about having my resources also in Spanish. We will see…

  11. Hi! Do you still sell them?

  12. Hi Lacey
    This looks st7nning! Is there anyway we could import large order to Australia, or print from here to make the costs of shipping more affordable?

    • Sorry- I don’t have this available digitally. Also… it’s not technically approved for use in the Mass out of the United States. The mass can differ slightly in different countries. I couldn’t speak personally as I’ve never attended mass in Australia lol

  13. Any chance you have one Of these for the TLM? Recently started attending this Mass with our Eight kiddos and wish I had a way for them to grasp what’s happening.

    • Hi Melissa –

      No, sorry – Lacy does not have a version for the Tridentine Mass. This is the only version available.

      Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager

  14. Katie Adam says

    Hi Angie/Lacy!

    Just ordered 30 copies to use with my third graders (we are still in person and attending mass once a month) and am very excited to have these to use with the mass we watch in the classroom during the other weeks we aren’t able to be in the church.

    Just wanted to let you know the link to the National Catholic Register is no longer active, it takes you to a 404 on their page – the correct link I believe should be https://www.ncregister.com/news/mom-makes-kids-mass-book

    The link on this post of the product is also a 404.

    Thank you so much for such a beautifully made book! I am so excited for all my 3rd graders!!

    • Thanks, Katie! I think that’s the second time they’ve changed that link, so I appreciate you helping us out so we can correct it again.

      I hope your students love the Mass booklets!

      Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager

  15. Ileana Harbour says

    Do you have these booklets in Spanish?

  16. Colette McCleave says

    Hello, I was wondering how to order the “Picture book of the Mass” for my students.
    Please help!
    Thank you,
    Colette McCleave

    • Hi Colette –

      Unfortunately, these books are currently unavailable for purchase. We hope to have them available again sometime in the future.


      Angie, Catholic Icing Business Manager