Printable 3D St. Joseph’s Altar- Craft For Catholic Kids

I’m very excited about this new printable I designed this week! It’s a 3D printable St. Joseph’s altar, and it’s super easy to put together! You can find all of my resources for celebrating St. Joseph’s feast day here. Now let’s look at this printable St. Joseph’s altar craft

You can read the story behind the tradition of the St. Joseph’s altar here.

Materials Needed:

  • Printable 3D St. Joseph’s Altar Download
  • Cardstock or Paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Something to color with (if you choose to print in black and white)

That’s seriously it! Not glue to dry or nothin’! 😉

It prints on 3 pages, and comes in both black & white AND in color, so you can choose if you want to color it yourself or not. Each tier of the St. Joseph’s altar is on a separate layer of the diorama, which adds dimension.

Download for $4 

Get it now! St. Joseph’s Altar

Start by printing out your 3 pages, and coloring them if desired. This is going to be best printed on card stock, but regular paper will work if you don’t have any. I was actually out of card stock lol.

Then, trim off the outside edges. Do NOT cut off the white flaps on the “foreground” piece. You need them.

Next, go ahead and fold all the rectangles right down the middle, making a nice crease.

Now is the only slightly tricky part. You’ve got to cut out the middle pieces on the “foreground” and “middle-ground” pieces. If you’re OCD, you’ll want to place your paper on a cutting board, and cut out the middle meticulously with an exacto blade. For the rest of us “normies” (tongue in cheek) just fold the paper and make a slit in the middle of the area you’re removing.

Now you can stick your scissors into that opening and trim out the middle piece as well as you can.

It really doesn’t have to be perfect- mine isn’t.

Now is the fun part! Lay your “background” piece down first. Then take your “middle-ground” and place it on top. Line up the edges and bottom, then use 2 small pieces of tape to fix it at the top and the bottom of the left and right side.

Do the same thing to the other side. The background will be sticking out farther than the middle-ground- that’s how it’s supposed to be.

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Now take your “foreground” and fold the white side flaps back.

These 2 edges wrap around the edges of your other piece, and get fixed with tape in the back- again, just a small piece at the top and one on the bottom. Do both sides.

Voila! It’s stands up! Instant St. Joseph’s Altar diorama!

And it also stores flat, which is awesome. (btw- how do ya’ll like that sharpie marker decoration on my kitchen table? Faaaaancy!) 😉

Things pictured on the St. Joseph’s Altar:

  • St. Joseph statue
  • flowers
  • candles
  • fancy breads and pastries
  • wine
  • fig breads
  • fruit
  • fava beans
  • Italian flag
  • bread dough ornaments in the symbols of St. Joseph around the greenary as decorations

And here’s an example of the printable in black and white.

Here are some my kids colored themselves.


Download for $4

Get it now! St. Joseph’s Altar

You will find even more awesome resources for celebrating the feast day of St. Joseph here!


  1. Yes I missed you a lot!!!! ❤

  2. WHAT A COOL CRAFT!!! no glue, easy for all ages!!! THANK YOU !!!

  3. What a great St Joseph altar! Thank you!
    I miss your posts but think it’s wonderful that you are continuing your education.
    I hope all is going well for you and your family, I’ve been worried about you.
    God bless!

  4. I have definitely missed you! So glad you’re back!

  5. I totally know about the stress of going back to school. I am quite a bit older than you and have also taken the plunge to finish college while raising a family at the same time. Not easy, that’s for sure. I love this St. Joseph altar that you created. Thank you for doing this and would love to hear how your schooling is going.

  6. Awesome! Were you using my table? 😉 Magic Eraser may help.

  7. Yay! A new post from you! Love this craft. Sending prayers to your family!

  8. Yes! We miss you a lot! Happy Spring! 🙂

  9. Debbie Watson says

    I just love all the things you do but this is great I purchased it and will be doing this with my CCD group today!

  10. Paula Krieg says

    Lacy, what a great project, a real labor of love! Every year now, around this, time, I am reminded of your blog simply because you rather inconspicuously tucked a link to my blog into you post 10-things-to-do-with-palms-from-palm-sunday/ . Well, each year, I get tons of views through you…. you must have quite a following, and seeing this printable alter post makes it easy to see what people are so enthusiastic about your work. Best to you this Easter season.

  11. What a great idea! I never knew about that tradition until just now!

  12. St. Joseph is my son’s patron saint, so it’s an extra special feast day in our house. Thanks so much for this! We’ll begin the lily novena on his feast day (because I’m not pulled-together enough to begin it beforehand, haha!), and place the lilies by our altar 🙂 It will be beautiful! Thank you!