Pray Fast Give- A Lenten Decor Craft

When I am trying to focus my family on Lent while living the liturgical year at home, my favorite Lenten tradition is to keep a Lenten table. I find that when I put out simple decor that keeps the family focused on the true meaning of the Lent season, it helps keep the family focused and sends them the signal that the liturgical year, and the season of Lent, are important. Years ago, I made this “pray fast give” Lenten decor craft, and I absolutely love putting it out on our Lenten table year after year. Today, I am going to show you how to craft your own! 

Crafting your own pray fast give words is easy and doesn’t involve any carpentry skills… or really any skills at all! It’s super easy, and since you can use it year after year, it’s totally worth the time investment.

Supplies Needed For Pray Fast Give Decor:

  • Wooden craft letters for each letter (My letters are 6 inches tall. You only need one of each letter, except you need 2 “A’s”. These wooden letters from Amazon would be perfect, and since it’s a 2 alphabet set, it includes all the letter you’ll need plus plenty of extras!)
  • Long wooden craft sticks (You can possibly find these in the wooden aisle at your craft store, or you can get the long wooden sticks at a home improvement store that are for stirring 5 gallon buckets of paint. They’re available for purchase in the paint section.)
  • A hot glue gun (I like the big ones that get really hot for a craft like this)
  • Purple spray paint (Trust me- springing for a can of spray paint is going to save you a lot of time and effort on this one. It’s worth it! Plus, you can round up some other things you would like to spray purple for Lent such as some plastic plates or vases and jars.)

If your wooden craft sticks aren’t long enough, you can hot glue them end to end. 

Then, lay out your letters to see how to space them on your sticks. Using the hot glue, attach them to the sticks so they will be able to stand up.

When you have all 4 words glued upright, take them outside, lay down some kind of backdrop, and spray paint them purple, which is the liturgical color of Lent. You should end up with something like this.

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I am so happy with how this came out!

I love to set these up on our Lenten table each year to help keep the family focused on the true meaning of Lent. 


Be sure to check out my Page of Resources for Lent! It’s full of links and ideas!