Liturgical Living For Catholic Families (Best Resources Ever!)

If you love living the liturgical year at home with your family (or are wanting to get started) you have come to the right place!

My name is Lacy, and I’ve been professionally writing about liturgical living since 2009. Over the years, I have been developing resources to make it easier on Catholic moms everywhere to live out the faith with their kids. The resources I’m sharing here on this page are my base resources that work together like a well oiled machine to provide everything you need to celebrate the Church year with your family.

You can click the buttons below to learn more about each piece! 🙂

The Catholic Icing newsletter goes out once a week and is packed with resources for your family! It’s totally free to subscribe. This is a great source and will ensure you don’t miss any important days or seasons. This also frequently includes free resources, and your email address is never sold or spammed. Sign up now by clicking the “newsletter” button above because it’s totally free so you have nothing to lose! 


I never found the perfect liturgical living book for me because they all included feast days and recipes that I was never going to use, and left out some of my favorite feast days and activities. That’s why I developed this liturgical planning binder! It teaches you all about living the liturgical year with your family, then allows you to organize your own favorite resources into the perfect liturgical living book for you. Click the “planner” button above to learn more about this system. 

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!
Use coupon code MAY2024 to save 15% off every month when choosing the monthly membership option. Coupon valid through May 13, 2024.

This Catholic calendar has all the best feast days, marks the liturgical seasons with colored flowers, and has room for your plans! It matches the Weaving The Faith binder system, and is a great way to keep track of all your liturgical celebrations. There is also a free version of this calendar that arrives in my weekly newsletter each month. Click the “calendar” tab above for more information about downloading your own copy. 

And finally, the pride and joy of my 12 years of liturgical living… my new monthly membership program! In this membership you gain access each month to a printable home altar, activity pages for kids ages 2-10, bonus printables, and more! The amount of printables you get each month is easily 3x what you will pay for this membership. Join now to spend less time hunting online for resources and more time actually celebrating with your kids. My favorite part of this membership is keeping my home altar up to date year round, and adding a new seasonal touch to the home each month. Click the “membership” button above to learn more now.

Start Reading Now!

If you’re just in a very proactive mood and want to start reading more about the hows and whys of living the liturgical year right now, I got you! Check out these classic articles that are going to get you on your way.

More Catholic Resources For Kids

There are so so so many resources on this site for Catholic children and families! Look above to my navigation bar, and click the liturgical season or special day you are looking to celebrate. Also, use the search bar in the top right corner of the site to find what you’re looking for. There are so many resources just waiting for you to discover them!




  1. Joanne Kroll says

    I still can’t get your last supper project. I subscribed and did not get an email to find the bonus downloads.

    • Hi Joanne –
      I wonder if Hotmail is blocking the emails from Catholic Icing to you because it looks like you’ve been on the email list since October 2021 but you’re not opening the emails. So that’s also why you wouldn’t have received a welcome email, since our email system knows you’re already on the newsletter list.

      I’ll delete your email address from the newsletter list and you can sign up again and hopefully, you’ll receive the welcome email then. Otherwise, you can try signing up with a different email address or you can purchase that craft here:

      Angie, Catholic Icing Business Manager

  2. Hi,
    I am a monthly subscriber – but was wondering if we do have access to all the printable(s) or just to a few? For example the archangels activity pack here – it says available with monthly subscription but when I click on it – it takes me to purchase the pack the same for the station of the cross. Am I in the wrong page or am I am going about this the wrong way? The same for all the added resources from real life at home. Thank You

    • Hi Irma –

      As a monthly subscriber, you have access to everything that is made for the membership, which is typically 90 – 100+ pages of printables. Those can all be found in the membership area on Teachable.

      The membership does not include any of the paid printables that you find on Catholic Icing or Real Life at Home. The membership is only for printables that you can download in the member area on Teachable.

      I looked through the Archangels post, and I didn’t find anywhere that said it was included in the membership. However, there is an “ad” for the membership in the middle of every post. So, maybe you’re seeing that mention of the membership and then thought that was indicating that the archangel craft was part of the membership.

      It’s just not feasible to include the 90 – 100 pages of printables each month in the membership plus all of the paid printables from both sites in the membership for only $10.95/month. The membership would have to be much more expensive for it to include all of the paid printables from both sites.

      I hope that all makes sense, but let me know if you have any follow-up questions.

      Angie, Catholic Icing Business Manager and Membership Co-Founder